Betrayal {Chapter 4}

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Scar's POV

"Why do you think he wants to meet?" I ask Bdubs and Cub. "I dunno," Bdubs says. Cub just continues playing with some kind of device. Me and the rest of HEP were waiting on the minigame island for Grian who told us to meet up. Soon we hear rockets firing. Part of me hopes that it's Grian (I had things to do, I could't just wait for him forever) but another part knows it isn't. Grian has wings, and so no need for rockets and elytra. 

Instead it's the rest of the mycelium team who lands. I feel a little confused. Grian had never mentioned the rest of the crew. Then again it made sense that both teams would show up. "So, you guys got here before us..." Says Impulse. "Yeah, we've been waiting for a while. Do you guys know where he is?" False asks, frowning. "Nope, we just met up on the mushroom base and then came over here." Ren replies.

"If he doesn't show up soon I'm leaving" Bdubs grumbles. "Well, don't leave yet!" Mia says, pointing to a short red figure. "Hey, Grian!" I call. He doesn't respond. "Gri...?" I call again, walking forward. Soon I feel like something's off... I just can't put my finger on it. As I walk closer I realize what it is.

His wings.

Grian wasn't born with wings. Instead gets them from a red crystal that he wears on a necklace. If he doesn't have the crystal on him the wings disappear. But instead of the colorful wings he usually has, Grian's wings are blood red, and a purple like substance, that looks and awful lot like mycelium, is slightly dripping on the edges. 

"That's not Grian you know."

 The voice is Cub's and I turn around, and look to where he was a couple of minute, but he's not there. The rest of the group runs around to look for him, just like me. "Cub?!" The exclamation comes from Bdubs, who has a wary look on his face, and soon I see why. 

Cub is standing there casually, a glowing red sword in hand. Most enchantments made your armor or tools glow purple, only one made them glow red; Permadeath, an enchantment, that was extremely hard to get, and banned in most servers, including ours. How or why Cub had a permadeath sword, I didn't know.

Suddenly there's a hand on my throat. Immediately I try and escape, but the hand tightens and I relax, heart pounding. There was only one person who was behind me; Grian. "Gri, what are you doing?" I ask. "Let him go!" Cries Stress. The rest of the groups murmurs similar things, a couple look between Grian and Cub, confusion written all over their faces.

"He'll only listen to me, so don't bother." Cub reveals. "And X, don't even think about it, unless you want your precious mayor dead" 

My mind is racing with a million questions. 

What is Cub doing? 

How did he get that enchantment?

If the person choking me isn't Grian, then who is it? Why will he only listen to Cub? 

What did Cub mean by 'Unless you want your precious mayor dead'? He didn't mean he would get the Grian look-a-like to kill me, does he? He wouldn't seriously kill his boyfriend of 2 years... would he?

"What do you want?" The words are almost growled out by Doc. "Something I've wanted for a while; Control." Cub states, simply.

"Don't tell me he's gonna do the villain monologue," Mutters Bdubs. 

"Do you know how long I've been planning for this?" Bdubs lets out a small groan. "He's doing the villain monologue," 

"At first I thought I could create a puppet government, control things from behind the scene. It would have worked if it was for someone," Cub glares at Bdubs and Bdubs glares back. "always questioning my decisions. And since the someone, was Scar's campaign manager, it would be extremely hard to convince Scar to get rid of him. So, I decided to take the matters into my own hands and ran an... experiment you could say, on our little winged friend here"

"You did what?" Says someone, I couldn't tell who. Agitated mutters come from the group

"I used a couple of sleep and memory potions to run an experiment on Grian. And I found some very interesting things. The Mycelium, had some strange properties, that when I dug a little deeper, were easily manipulated. I found out that with a bit of redstone, magic and mycelium, I could make a monster, inside Grian, that would listen to whatever I said. A mycelium menace, that would share the same entity as Gri, who I can activate with a single push of a button." 

I can see Cub's still holding the device he was playing with before. 'Is that that button he's talking about' I wonder. "But that's enough talking. All I have to say is, night night."

There's the sound of a splash potion being thrown, and my eyes feel heavy. I try to fight it, but  it's no use and soon I'm fast asleep...


WC: 860

This chapter is short and a little awkward, but oh well, at least I've revealed the main antagonist (Or have I?)

Another thing, I updated the Author's note, so it included a small explanation for the OCs, Watchers, and Crystals.

Tell me what you guys think!

See you around!

Myra out! *Wings*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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