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Lord Parashurama, having made his decision, conveyed to Karna that their duel would take place the following day

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Lord Parashurama, having made his decision, conveyed to Karna that their duel would take place the following day. Karna found himself caught in a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions, torn between his duty to fight his revered guru and the deep reverence he held for him. Parashurama was not merely a teacher to Karna but also a father figure who had tirelessly nurtured him into becoming a formidable warrior.

Lost in his thoughts, Karna felt a gentle touch on his shoulder, and as he turned, he saw his Gurudev standing beside him. With utmost respect, Karna joined his hands in a gesture of deference.

"Putra, why are you saddened?" Parashurama asked, genuine curiosity evident in his voice.

Karna's voice trembled slightly as he replied with a heavy heart, "Gurudev, I find it difficult to gather the strength to fight against you. You are not only my revered teacher but also a father figure who has guided me with unwavering love and care."

Parashurama's eyes twinkled with amusement, and he burst into hearty laughter. "Putra, my dear Karna, as a Kshatriya, it is your dharma to accept my challenge. This is a test for you, a test that will reveal your true potential. You were destined for extraordinary feats, and you have vowed to become the greatest warrior of all time. Embrace this challenge as a stepping stone towards fulfilling that grand goal."

Karna felt a surge of positivity course through his veins as he listened to his guru's words. The heaviness in his heart began to lift, replaced by a sense of determination and purpose. For the remainder of the night, Karna and Parashurama reminisced about their shared experiences, the Guru teasing his devoted disciple about his initial antics when he had first arrived at his abode.


As the first rays of dawn peeked over the horizon, Karna prepared himself mentally and physically for the impending battle. Engrossed in his Surya puja, a ritual to honor his celestial lineage, Karna focused his mind, seeking the blessings of his father, Surya dev, who approached him with an air of solemnity and pride. With a gentle touch and heartfelt words, Surya dev conveyed his blessings and wished his son luck, aware of the magnitude of the forthcoming clash.

Meanwhile, in the realm of the gods, anticipation rippled through the celestial beings. The usual meetings and conversations came to a halt as all eyes turned to the mortal plane. Excitement filled the air as they eagerly awaited the grand duel between Karna and Parashurama. Yet, amidst the anticipation, Surya deva couldn't help but worry. Deep within his being, a seed of fear sprouted, for he knew the cataclysmic consequences that could be unleashed if the warriors' divine weapons were to collide. Such a collision had the potential to create a devastating explosion, capable of obliterating the world itself.

As the appointed hour approached, the battlefield became a stage for the clash between two mighty forces. Lord Parashurama stood tall and resolute, his presence commanding attention. His countenance exuded authority and wisdom, the aura of a seasoned warrior who had traversed both mortal and divine realms. Karna, too, stood before him, his eyes fixed upon his revered mentor, fully attentive to his every word.

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