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In the kingdom of Hastinapur, Raj Shakuni of Gandhar was filled with triumphant joy as his cunning plan had succeeded

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In the kingdom of Hastinapur, Raj Shakuni of Gandhar was filled with triumphant joy as his cunning plan had succeeded. He knew that if the Pandavas had managed to escape the treacherous Lakshagriha, they would never return to Hastinapur. And if they had perished in the fiery blaze, their threat to his beloved nephew, Duryodhana, would be extinguished forever. Shakuni chuckled to himself, relishing in his accomplishment, and whispered, "Now, it's time for the next phase of my scheme."

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Shakuni contemplated the challenge posed by Suryaputra Karna. "I possess dark powers to manipulate the minds of Duryodhana, Dushasana, and Ashwathama," he thought, a wicked grin forming on his face. "But Karna... he poses a greater obstacle." Shakuni's laughter echoed through the corridors of his mind.

Meanwhile, Duryodhana, Dushasan, and Ashwathama were weighed down by sorrow. They had formed strong bonds with the Pandavas and had no desire to harm them. Everything had been going well until now, and their hearts were heavy with regret.

Gandhari and Dhritarashtra wept tears of sorrow for the loss of their brother's family. The pain was unbearable, and they found solace in each other's embrace.

Bhishma, unaware of the treacherous plot of the Lakshagriha, was consumed by grief. He longed to speak with Karna, sensing that he held valuable information. Vidur, on the other hand, knew of the Pandavas' escape and had received detailed plans from Karna. But now, he yearned for a conversation with his revered Bhishma.

Overwhelmed by emotions, Bhishma found himself beside the sacred Ganges, tears flowing freely. As he mourned, a voice called out to him, "Bhishma, my son, what are you doing?"

Startled, Bhishma turned to find his mother, Mata Ganga, standing before him. "Mother, I am performing the last rites for Pandu's family," he replied, his voice trembling.

Ganga's eyes filled with compassion as she spoke, "But why, my son? They are still alive."

"Living?" Bhishma gasped in disbelief.

"Yes, my son. Seek the truth from Karna and Vidur. They will reveal all," Ganga said, her form fading into the ether.

Vidur approached Bhishma, offering his support. "Do not despair, my lord. Angaraj and Emperor Prithvi have safeguarded Pandu's family."

Karna joined them, stating, "Indeed, nothing has befallen Pandu's family. They remain hidden, following the instructions of Maharishi Vashistha. They will return to Hastinapur after two years."

Confusion clouded Bhishma's face as he demanded an explanation. "Karna, tell me everything. I already knew the Pandavas were alive, thanks to my mother. Enlighten us with the full truth."

"Are you prepared to listen?" Karna inquired.

"Yes, Angaraj. Please, enlighten us. I suspect Shakuni and Duryodhana are involved in this plot to kill the Pandavas," Vidur added.

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