Unique Working Conditions

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"Why do I have to feel this way?...", Essex whispered to herself as she sat on the dock's edge and looked out towards the ocean.

"I just hope Enterprise and the Commander are getting closer..."


"Enterprise can you hand me the latest scout report please", The Commander asked as he and Enterprise turned towards the door as they heard a knocking sound shortly before it opened.

"Essex", The Commander quickly spoke as he watched her enter. Raising from his seat and walking around his desk towards her.

"Welcome back", Enterprise added as the Commander approached her.

Essex nodded slightly towards Enterprise with a melancholic smile before turning towards her Commander who was at this point right in front of her.

"Are you alright?", he asked with a slightly worried expression on his face.

"Y-Yes thank you!", Essex responded with a flustered tone as she looked at him with a nervous expression.

Enterprise chuckled at this display as she turned around and continued to get the report the Commander had asked for.

"I'm glad to hear it", The Commander responded with a soft smile that surprised Essex for a moment before he quickly turned back towards his desk.

"Come on then, let's get to work", He added as he looked over his shoulder back towards her. Essex tentatively shut the door behind her as Enterprise walked over to the Commander who was just then sitting back down at his desk.

Waiting a moment for both Enterprise and Essex to sit in the two seats before him the Commander then started to spread in regards to the report he had been given.

"Now we need to..."


After having worked through the report they'd been sent the Commander was now watching on with a wide smile as Essex and Enterprise worked to hurriedly clean up all the papers of items of stationary that they'd used.

"You two work so hard and diligently", The Commander said, eliciting a surprised murmur to come from both of his secretaries. Who both turned from what they were doing and looked at him for a moment.

The Commander Chuckled as he rose from his seat and stepped into the center of his office between them, "How about we all go and take a break together?"

Enterprise and Essex glanced towards each other for a moment before Essex started to speak, "I-I spent the morning with you Commander s-so Enterprise should go with you, I-I'll stay and finish cleaning things up here..."

As Enterprise opened her mouth to retort the Commander interjected.

"I don't want you working yourself too hard", He said as he approached her and slowly took the papers she was holding in her hands and placed them down on his desk beside her. As he did this she looked up at him for a moment, the flustered expression from before returning as even the Commander felt his face heat up slightly from being in such close proximity to Essex.

Watching on from the other side of the office Enterprise nodded with a smirk and crossed arms.

"Well shall we head off then?", Enterprise then asked.

"Of course, let's go", The Commander responded as the three left his office and he locked it behind him.


"How about we head to that café near the waterfront just out of the base?", Enterprise suggested as the group walked along the dockside towards the exit of the base.

"Yeah sounds good", the Commander responded as he glanced between his two secretaries walking on either side of him.

As they walked, Enterprise noticed that Essex was lagging behind slightly. Glancing nervously between herself and the Commander.

Letting out a sigh Enterprise slowed her pace as well, until both her and Essex were just behind him and were able to glance at each other behind his back.

Noticing this Essex's expression turned to one of surprise, then contemplation.

This continued for a few moments before the Commander announced, "We're here"

As the two caught up with him they all headed inside as he held the door open.

"You two have a preference of where we should sit?", the Commander asked.

"How about there?", Enterprise spoke. Gesturing towards a small booth with enough room for two seated on each side.

As they walked towards it Enterprise made a conceited effort to ensure she sat next to the Commander. At first Essex's expression was one of shock at how forward Enterprise was appearing, followed by an expression of disappointment.

Despite this Enterprise persisted and as the group sat down Enterprise went into the booth on the right side first followed by the Commander next to her. Essex then slipped into the seat opposite them.

It was at this point that Enterprise smirked to herself as she watched the Commander and Essex look at each other for a moment before both looking away with nervous expressions.

"S-Shall we order?...", Essex asked with a stuttered as she quickly picked up her menu and held it in front of her to hide her blushing face.

"I suppose we should", Enterprise responded with a chuckle as she glanced over at the Commander was was closely mimicking Essex's actions in order to hide his own embarrassment.

A Love Triangle? (Essex, Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now