This town

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(Most of this story is in 3rd person unless stated otherwise. No trigger warning for this chapter!! Have fun. ^°^

Karl had just moved to a new city, he didn't know anyone, he didn't know the place. Everything was so new to him, but yet so astonishing. The city was bright and beautiful. If you were wondering, he moved to New York. That's right. The big apple. Everyone told him how great it would be. But he was lonely, or he felt alone. He was in such a big city with no one to share it with. He looked out the bus and sighed. He had his earbuds blasting at full volume. The bus came to a stop. Karl was spaced out examining the new city, until he felt a shove on his shoulder. Someone must've bumped into him. He looked away from the window in annoyance, until he saw the person get off the bus. "Sapnap?." Karl's eyes widened, realizing this was also his stop. He picked up all his luggage and rushed out the bus. He speed walked to where he saw sapnap. He peeped around the corner, watching him go into an apartment that was two doors down from his. Karl's heart started to race. Oh how long it has been since he saw his friend sapnap. He was so nervous and scared. He ignored it and walked to his door and pulled out the key. He spaced out staring at it, he didn't know if this was for him. He finally pulled himself together and opened the door..

"Jesus Christ.." The place was an absolute pigs stye. There was trash everywhere, the furniture was ripped. It was depressing to look at. But for some reason, Karl was pleased with it. Why you may ask? Because this was an adventure, he can change this room to what he imagines it to be. He imagined the walls a bright pastel shade of mint green with light purple furniture. Then Karl knew, this was meant for him. He set his bag down with satisfaction. He smiled to himself. But he didn't know what to do now. After all; he had no friends. No one to talk to. Then he realized. Sapnap. Sapnap was all he thought about now. But he didn't have time for this he was hungry and tired. He decided to head out of his apartment and look for a place to get some grub.

Karl walked out his door and saw sapnap standing outside the hallway, making his way out of his apartment too. Karl's heart raced. Sapnap looked so different, he had brod shoulders, a sharp jawline. A beard, rosey cheeks. Everything he remembered.. just on older sapnap. He watched sapnap walk outside the building following him. Karl knew it was weird but he was so amazed at seeing him, he wanted to talk to him so bad. But he sadly, didn't have the guts to.

He watched sapnap get into his car and drive off. Karl quickly dropped his skateboard down and followed after the car. Sapnap stopped at a Asian restaurant. Karl smiled. Well now he knew where he was going to eat. He saw sapnap get out of his car and walk inside the place, Karl set his skateboard down, in a place where people can't see it. He walked in the building. It was so gorgeous and fascinating to him. The walls were yellow and red, there were lanterns everywhere. It was so beautiful. The air smelled like fresh dumplings and cabbage. He walked up to the waitress. "Hello! Welcome to city Yukon. How may I serve you?" Karl stared at her for a moment. Even the uniforms for the workers were so beautiful. "Oh yes um table for one please, thank you." The lady smiled and gestured him to follow her. Karl caught where sapnap was sitting. She was sitting him at a booth, right across from sapnap. His heart raced and he started to fiddle with his thumbs. He didn't know what to do. He picked up the menu to distract him for a moment. "Wow.." Karl thought. The food looked so good he didn't know what to get, he would've ordered it all if he had a choice. Finally he picked. He gestured the waitress he was ready. "Um can I have the fried dumplings with a side of pork ramen." The lady smiled and nodded. Sapnap looked across from him recognizing the voice he just heard. His eyes widened in shock. He noticed Karl bouncing his left leg up and down. Sapnap wanted to talk to him. Karl then turned to look across from him and met eyes with sapnap. They both looked away, hearts beating ever so fast. Scared and in shock. Karl slipped down into his booth. His cheeks flushed red and he started to bite his nails. They made direct eye contact and they both knew. They both knew who each one of them were. Karl looked over at Nick again. Sapnap was sitting with a girl, he didn't even notice that. The girl was rather pretty. Blonde hair, green eyes. A simple outfit. Finally, he heard sapnap speak. "Are you ready to order?" His voice sounded flat and sad. He looked so tired too, and exhausted. He was like a different person. The girl nodded and told him what she wanted. Sapnap looked miserable. Karl was thinking maybe it was because of him, but he knew it wasn't. They didn't even talk, so he just ignored it. His food arrived at the table. It smelled so good. He immediately started eating. Maybe he was eating a little too fast, for he inhaled a noodle and started letting out small coughs that got louder. He took his water and drank some. He looked across his table again, sapnap was looking at him. He looked like he was laughing almost. Karl rolled his eyes at him. Sapnap put his fork down and smiled. They both wanted to talk to each other. Karl was nervous, the first interaction in years. It was so heartwarming to Karl. Karl continued to eat. He finished before sapnap and quickly got up. He walked outside. Sapnap stood up from his table and walked outside to see where Karl was going. Karl hoped on his skateboard and went in the direction sapnap went to get to his apartment. Sapnap had high hopes he'd run into him again. Maybe way too high hopes.

Sapnap got into his car and couldn't stop thinking about Karl. His eyes were so pretty. Light blue, it reminded him of the sky in Texas. The girl looked at him confused. "So why are you so happy?" She asked sarcastically. Sapnap shrugged. "Nothing just saw an old friend.." The girl smiled and nodded. Sapnap put the radio on and played cigarette daydreams. He listened to it thinking about karl. That's all he was thinking about. Karl. Karl. Karl. He needed to see Karl. He needed to touch him, laugh with him. Run his finger through his hair. He shook his head out of the gutter. What was he thinking? They barely talked anymore. It's been about 10 years since they had contact. Now, it may be confusing in how they recognized each other. Let's just say, soulmates always know when they have found their other half.

Karl got off his skateboard finally at his apartment building. He saw sapnaps car pull up too. He smiled and looked at him. Sapnap started getting overly happy and excited. Karl lived in the same place as him. He was over filled with adrenaline. Sapnap jumped out of his car to see where Karl went. He saw Karl opening room 103, sapnap lived in 101. It was so close. Karl saw sapnap staring at him and waved. Sapnap froze and got stiff. He waved back at Karl in a very awkward way. Karl laughed and shook his head and walked into his apartment. Karl slumped his face into a pillow and started silently screaming. He threw it off and started smiling. He turned on music. He put on his favorite song 505 by artic monkeys. He danced around in his apartment with it at full blast. He was filled with euphoria. He heard a knock on his door and turned it down.

Karl walked towards the door and opened it. He paused coming face to face with sapnap. Sapnap smiled at him, Karl gasped and jumped into nicks arms. They hugged each other so tightly, sapnap didn't want to let go. He wanted to feel Karl's warmth. How they missed each other. They didn't know what happened they just stopped talking one day. Karl had tears in his eyes. Sapnap smiled at him. "Long time no see Karl." Karl nodded and hugged sapnap again. "Okay chill Karl" sapnap started laughing. Karl nodded. "Hey so when did you move in?" Sapnap asked Karl. "Oh just today, that's why it's so messy in here right now." Karl rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. Sapnap nodded. "Oh then you must be tired. I'll leave you to sleep. I missed you so much. Have fun kite." Karl smiled and almost jumped, no one has called him kite in so long. It was his nickname back in his childhood. He walked sapnap walk down the hallway and waved at him. Soon, Karl felt tears flowing in his eyes, mostly out of happiness but sadness too. He was sad because he loved sapnap for so long. Even now. But he was losing him or already lost him. But the hug they shared was so full of affection and love. Karl was do touch starved, he wanted to breakdown by that one hug. He needed a hug, he needed a kiss. He needed someone in general. Someone to hold him. Someone to play with his hair. Make Love circles around his hand. He was so lonely. Sapnap must not be lonely since he has that girl with him. Or Karl thought Sapnap wasn't lonely. That girl cheated on Nick every night, used him, and manipulated him into staying with her. Sapnap was miserable too. He was lonely and depressed. He wanted to feel Karl's touch too. For Sapnap was also in love with karl, even though it has been so long since they've seen each other. It hadn't changed any of their feelings for each other. They were still madly in love. Now Sapnap and Karl, could be soulmates but who knows. All they know is that they love each other. But how do they say it? That's what they didn't know. Being in love with your best friend who you hadn't talk to in years. Cringe. Right? But they couldn't help it. They loved each other. Sapnap couldn't help it. He jumped out of his bed and speed walked down to Karl's door. He knocked in it. Karl got up rubbing his eyes and opened it. He yawned. "Hey sapnap." Sapnap smiled, no one called him that in so long. He was happy. "Do you maybe want to go out tomorrow?" Karl's eyes open fully. Karl was frozen. "Like on a date?" Sapnap put his hands up to his chest and started shaking his head and hands. "No oh my god. I mean like just to hang out." Karl laughed. "Sure, see you at 12." Sapnap smiled and sighed. 12 pm. Sharp. He marked it in the front of his mind. 12 pm tomorrow, Saturday afternoon. 12 pm, sharp. Sapnap skipped down the hallway like a little kid and closed the door behind him. He slid down the door and put his knees to his chest. He hadn't been this happy in so long. He felt like he could fly. But he heard his girlfriend waking up and he got up. She stood staring at him. Messy hair, messed up makeup. "Where have you been?" She asked in a very aggressive tone. "Sorry I just went to go talk to the new neighbor he's one of my childhood friends." She rolled her eyes and went back to bed. She didn't care, she never did. Sapnap sat on the couch, his eyes getting heavy, while he thought about Karl and his beautiful blue eyes.

Whoop! That's the end of this chapter! Sorry it took so long, I was procrastinating. But yep this is it. I hope you guys liked it. Even if no one reads it I'll still write it lol. I'm doing this for entertainment. :). Let me know feedback or anything please!! I'm gonna start a tiktok page to promote the book maybe. I'll drop the username once I make it. Thank you !!  2118 words.

My baby. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora