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"Sapnap, wake up." Karl nudged the edge of sapnaps shoulder.

Sapnap pushed karls arm off of his and groaned. "What?" Karl kept poking the side of sapnaps arm. His muscles were tense. "We have to leave, this isn't our house you know?" Sapnap put his hand up and moved it back and forth trying to signal karl go away. "Come on, dreams gonna be angry." Sapnap turned over to his side and groaned again. "Fine, I'll just force you." Karl got off the couch ledge and pulled the blanket off of sapnap. Sapnap jolted up from his sleeping position and stared at Karl with anger. "Really?" Karl shrugged and folded the blanket up. "Get up." Sapnap scoffed and put his head back down. "Nope." Karl yanked the pillow from under sapnaps head hearing a slight thud. "Dude come on, it's like eight in the morning." Karl nodded and looked at sapnap. "Right and I have something planned, that costed money. You're waking up right now or I'm taking someone else." Sapnap sat up and rubbed his eyes. "What is it?" Karl smiled at him. He reached in his pocket and took out his phone pulling up a private tab. He showed it to sapnap. "Plane tickets?" Karl nodded. "Where are we going?" Karl smiled and sat down next to sapnap leaning his head on his shoulder. "California." Sapnap looked at Karl. "Really?! No fucking way, you're lying." Karl shrugged and smiled at him. Sapnap has always wanted to go to California, Las Vegas, all those places. But he never had the chance to, not until karl came along. "Yep. I bought us tickets to Disney too." Sapnap kissed karls cheek and got up from the couch. "Say no more handsome, get in the car." Karl cringed at sapnaps words. "Goodmorning." Sapnap stopped speed walking and turned to see george glaring at them. "Um goodmorning?" George set down his coffee cup. "Why are you in my house?" Sapnap looked around. "This is dreams house." George kept the cold stare at both of the boys. "This is our house, sapnap." Sapnap mouthed a small 'oh.' He stared at George seeing his dark eyes being filled with annoyance. "Well we're heading out now. We just fell asleep." George picked up his coffee again and held it with his pinky up. "Okay." Sapnap looked at Karl and they both walked out.

"He's so intimidating." Karl laughed. "I know right." George wasn't really one with a soft spot, besides dream of course. "Do you want to go back and pack our bags?" Karl shook his head. "Already covered." Sapnap smiled and got into the passenger side of the car. "What time does the flight leave?" Karl pulled out his phone again. "Three hours. You hungry?" Sapnap nodded. Karl put his seat belt on and adjusted the view mirrors getting a small dust speck in his eye. He rubbed it off and started the engine. "We'll stop at a drive through and get in the road. It takes like an hour to get there." Sapnap nodded and smiled at Karl. He was excited to be going to his dream state. The bright city, the gambling. Everything about California was perfect to him. "Do you like gambling?" Karl looked at sapnap with a small smile. "I've never done it. What's it like?" Sapnap turned his body in the seat to face karl. "Well it's like, it raises your adrenaline. Plus you can get rich from it if you're good at it." Sapnap smirked at Karl. "Sure." Karl laughed at him. Sometimes Karl thought sapnap was more of a geek than he was, but he always remember. Sapnap was the jock not him. Back in freshman year sapnap immediately accepted on the team for football. He was everyone's favorite person. That's when Karl started to drift away from sapnap, he would ignore him at all costs.


"Karl!" Sapnap came running to him waving his arm back and forth. "Long time no see buddy." Sapnap smiled and pulled Karl into a hug. He got stiff. "Um yeah, sure." Karl smiled at him. "Meet me at the gym, after first period." Karl looked at sapnap. "Why?" Sapnap sighed and rolled his eyes. "Just do it. I need to talk to you. It's important, really." Karl looked around and saw the hallways becoming empty. "Okay, fine. Get to class, we're going to be late." Sapnap smiled at him. "Who's your first period?" Karl pulled out his schedule. "Mrs. Kin." Sapnap smiled. "Me too." Karl nodded. He felt like he was being crowded with sapnap around him, he was so popular now it was almost like he didn't know him. At least he was trying. Sapnap pulled karls bookbag string. "It's right here." Karl nodded and knocked. "Come on in boys!" Karl walked in, he felt like everyone was staring at him, not because he thought they were making fun of him. Because sapnap was besides him. He heard whispers from the kids. "Yo sapnap! Come sit here." Sapnap shook his head and smiled. "I'm sitting with this guy today." Sapnap placed his hands on karls shoulder causing him to flinch. "I don't think he's fond of you." Sapnap scoffed at the student. "Please he's been my best friend since like childhood. He loves me." The class started making noises. Those annoying noises when people find out a girl likes someone. "Guys stop, be more mature." The teacher pleaded. "Have a seat." She pointed down at the two back seats. "They're probably going to kiss." Sapnap took his folder and gently hit the kid with it. "Come on Bryce shut up." They both laughed. Karl didn't find any bit of this funny. Sapnap turned to him and noticed his expression. "You okay?" Karl shrugged. "Are you sure? You look like, annoyed." Karl looked up at sapnap. "That's because I am." Sapnap looked down at Karl seeing how angry he looked. "Oh I'm sorry, are you still down to meet after this period?" Karl nodded. "Your friends are annoying." Sapnap chuckled a little. "Come on they're just joking Karl, it's not like it's true." Karl froze at his words. "Yeah, you're right. It's not." Karls heart started racing, hearing those words from sapnap. The words he never wanted to hear was so hard to handle.

The bell ringed. Sapnap got up and put his hand out for Karl to take. "I'm fine." Karl picked his bookbag up and walked towards the gym. "Hey, are you sure you're okay Karl, really I'm here for you." Karl smiled at sapnap. "Of course, im as dipsy as a daisy." Karl laughed a little. "Well the gym is right here. I have something I need to talk to you about." Karl nodded and opened up the doors. A wave of cold hair hit his face. He walked over to the bleachers hearing his shoes squeak against the wood floor. "Okay what do you want to tell me?" Sapnap looked around. "Um, why haven't you been talking to me anymore?" Karl froze, he didn't have an answer. "Um i- I don't know actually." Sapnap sighed. "Did you find someone else?" Karl looked at sapnap confused. "What do you mean?" Sapnaps smile faded after every sentence. "You know...a new best friend." Karl shook his head. "No what? What makes you think that?" Sapnap looked around and sighed again, and again. "Well you've been hanging out with max a lot." Karl nodded. "And you no longer have time for me." Karl smiled and scoffed. "No, I do have time for you. I think you just don't have time for me." Sapnap looked at Karl. "What? I try and talk to you." Karl nodded. "Yeah but your dumbass friends are always ruining it." Sapnap raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" Karl leaned his head back. "I never get alone time with you anymore." Sapnap nodded in understandment. "I know, I'm sorry. Just why max?" Karl looked at sapnap his face heating up. "What do you mean 'why max'?" Sapnap grunted. "Why him over me?" Karl looked down and laughed. "Are you serious? You're saying I'm picking and choosing between you two?" Sapnap looked at the door. "Yeah well it's obvious you are." Karl couldn't believe what he was hearing, every sentence, every word coming out of sapnaps mouth filled him with annoyance. "You have to be kidding me. You're so immature." Sapnap stood up and leaned over Karl. "Really? But you can choose someone else over me?" Karl smiled and stood up. "Why are you so obsessed with me and what I do? You're like a dog." Sapnap stood back. "Because I love you, fucking weirdo." Sapnap pushed his fingers into his temples until he got a wave of shock. He just realized what he just said. "I- I need to leave sapnap." Sapnap looked at Karl picking up his bag. "Wait Karl I didn't mean to-" Karl looked at sapnap. "Why didn't you tell me?" Sapnap looked around. "I couldn't." Karl smiled at him. "I'm moving today, you're late to the party sapnap." Sapnap saw Karl walk away from him as he stood there almost shaking. "Why did I do that." Sapnap heard the door close behind him. "I'm so dumb." Sapnap sat back down on the bleachers. He heard the door open again. "Karl?" He got up and ran over there. He hugged the person without even knowing who they were. "I think you have me mixed up." Sapnap opened his eyes and pulled away. "Oh I'm sorry, um. Have you seen Karl? Like did he leave campus." The girl shrugged. "I think he went to Mr. Finnys class." Sapnap hugged the girl again. "Thank you." He opened the gym doors and ran down the hallway seeing a faint light with a shadow. "Karl!" Karl turned around and stood there. "Sapnap?" He heard full stomps against the marble floor until it stopped infront of him. "Karl i- I really do; love you." Karl looked at sapnap. "Sapnap.. it isn't the time for this." Karl turned away from him until he felt a grip on his wrist. "Please just listen." Karl turned around and nodded. "I didn't know how to tell you, I mean, I've liked you since fifth grade." Karl looked around. "You're telling me this now?" Karl started tapping his foot against the floor. "Well yes but i-" Karl laughed. " you're doing this now?! Right when I'm leaving." Sapnap looked at Karl. "Im- I'm so sorry." Sapnap looked Karl. "I knew you wouldn't feel the same Karl." Karls mouth was going to open but no words formed. He did love sapnap, he loved him on everyway. "I'm sorry." Sapnap looked around the hallways. "I have to leave." Sapnap looked back at Karl and cuffed his cheeks in his hands. He kissed him, for the first time. Karl stood there in shock. He pushed him off gently. "I need to leave sapnap." Sapnap felt tears in his eyes. "Karl please tell me how I feel." Karl shook his head. "I would if I could sapnap, I really would. But I can't. I need to go." Karl turned around and walked out the school doors. Sapnap felt the cold hair pushing away from him. He stood there feeling empty, emotionless. For the first time ever, he feels like he truly lost apart of himself in someone. Without Karl, he didn't know who he was, he felt all hope and love drift away. Everything. Everything was gone for him now that Karl was leaving, he was gone. He was never able to tell Karl. Why did it have to end like this? Why did he screw up so much? He needed Karl, but he couldn't have him anymore..

(Flashback end-)

Hello! Again I'm really sorry- for all the long waits, I've had tests back to back, it was pretty exhausting yk. But I should be going back to regular daily posting! I'll be starting my new book soon, idk when but soon. I'm also glad to say after a couple more chapters this one should be done! I'm not sure what I have plan for the end but I know it's getting there, like to the stopping point. Please be patient! I might post again tonight around 10pm or 12an est. It depends. But thank you!! <33 

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