Meant to be yours

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(the cover photo is a hint to my next book wink wink)

After the tour at Karl's new college, meeting new people. He felt almost complete. But he still felt like he was missing something almost. What was it? Who was it? He wasn't sure. But he knew he needed it to feel like the emptiness growing inside him can be filled with everlasting love. He sat outside of his apartment building on a small hill, gazing up at the night sky. It was a sleepless night for him, he had too much on his mind. His own thoughts racing through his head, eating him up. It was actually fairly cold out, but for some reason he felt as warm as a lamp. He was happy. Or he thought he was, he was confused. He looked at all the stars, admiring their beauty. Karl always thought stars were so majestic in the night sky. It's like seeing the reflection of your soulmate. Someone who's eyes you can't take off of.

He wished to be a star, sitting in the night sky, up in space away from everyone and everything. Having people look up at him and say how beautiful and bright he was. "Beautiful night tonight huh?" Karl heard sapnaps voice behind him and jumped a little. His thought process was cut off as sapnap sat down next to me and put his head on his shoulder. "Can't sleep?" Karl shook his head. "Same." Karl was rather silent. He didn't know what to say, how to form the words he was thinking. Sapnap got up and put his hand out infront of Karl. Karl looked at him with a blank and puzzled face.

Sapnap sucked his teeth and tilted his head a little. "Grab my hand." Karl did so. Sapnap grabbed Karl's other hand and put them on his cheeks. They were warm and smooth. Sapnap put Karl's arms around his shoulders, as sapnap put his arms around Karl's waist. "I've always wanted to dance under the stars." Karl looked up at sapnap. He didn't know how to dance. Sapnap brought Karl closer to him, "Follow my lead." Sapnap put his foot out a little to the left and up, and Karl did it the opposite way. He wasn't sure if he was doing it right, and boy was he embarrassed trying to do it right. "Is this okay?" Sapnap nodded at Karl, he was staying in sync with sapnap as best as he could. But he tripped sapnap on accident. They both fell back and laughed a little. "Jeez Karl you really can't dance." Karl rolled his eyes and gave sapnap a small punch on the face. "You ever wonder, if anyone is thinking about you all the time?" Sapnap looked at Karl. What a weird question. But he enjoyed the small talk he had with Karl. It was the best part of his day. "You mean the way I think about you?" Karl looked up at sapnap and smiled a little. It was a playful smile but yet one filled with pain and hurt. He felt like crying. He didn't know why he was so upset. "Karl if anything happens, please don't forget about me." Karl looked back up at sapnap meeting eyes with him. His dark crystal eyes meeting with Karl's clear blue water eyes. It was so beautiful when they met eyes. It was like the night sky over the blue ocean. With the light from the moon shining over the sea, the glistening sparkles of the moon meeting contact with the ever so swift and clean ocean. The ocean spoke to the moon, and the moon spoke back. They moved in sync, the moon controlling the tides and the ocean following. It was just like Karl and sapnap in that very moment. "Can I kiss you Karl?" Karl wasn't so shocked as he was the other times. He nodded. They locked lips, the kiss being as pure and sweet as honey. It was passionate and romantic. Sapnap ran his thumb against Karl's cheek and pulling him into a hug. It was all they wanted. "Sapnap I think I'm ready. For us." Sapnap looked up at the night sky with Karl laying on his chest. "I think I am too." Karl smiled into sapnaps warm chest trying to copy his breathing rhythm. "I was meant to be yours Karl, forever and always. Even in the next life I'll still find you." Karl was touched, and warmed at heart. He figured out what he was missing in his life. It was the love from this man. The curing assurance of love, the everlasting warmth he felt with him. It was his missing piece in this puzzle called life. But something about it was off almost. Maybe it was in a good way. He wasn't sure. But all he could think of was his now boyfriend and soulmate. The man underneath his cold body. Laying on the mildew grass. Sapnap was also fulfilled. He was in love. He was deep in love, no one could ever pull him out of this black hole he fell into. No one at all could rescue him, and he didn't want to be reached either. He wanted to stay here forever. Love on this boy. Show him how much he cares. How much he needs him. He wanted to ask Karl what he desired to be. Why be does his hair the way he does. Why he likes the color purple so much. He wanted to know everything about him, he wanted to ask him these questions and fall in love with them, he wanted Karl to fall in love with his answers too. He wanted everything from Karl. They fell asleep on the grass. Laying down. Smiling warmly at the stars and the new York city buildings. The streets were still busy even at night. You could hear horns and cars from every which way. It was euphoric. "Karl, we have class tomorrow." Karl looked up in shock at sapnap and got up quickly.

Karl hustled into the apartment building and ran into his room. He plumped himself down on the bed and quickly tried to get comfortable. Sapnap, still outside getting up. He laughed at seeing how fast Karl ran. He was in a rush just to sleep. But the two boys were still quite tired. Sapnap walked into the building and towards Karl's apartment room. He opened the door and found Karl fast asleep on the bed already. He was so pretty. Like a blue butterfly in the spring. Or he looked more like a bunny rabbit. Sapnap got into bed and pulled the covers over to his side. "Goodnight Karl. I love you, so much." Karl wasn't sleeping, he was awake waiting to hear those words. He turned over and looked at sapnap with full wide eyes. "I love you more." They both smiled and pulled each other close into a spooning position. It was the most beautiful thing ever to sapnap. Karl was so warm and he smelled like sweet vanilla and honey. His hair was in his face, his cheeks puffed up. His eyes fluttering open and shut ever second in attempt to fall asleep. They laid there for about twenty minutes until fully falling asleep. They had a full day ahead of them tomorrow. New people, new classes, new things to discover. Hoping to make it far, sapnap went to sleep with a full head of thoughts and so did Karl.

Sorry for the short chapter! But I'm working on a dnf book at the same time at the current moment and I think you guys will love it! :) I kinda stopped there cause my hand was getting a bit cramp haha. Also if anyone likes to draw or anything, I would like an artist to draw at least one scene for me. I can't pay anyone anything. If you'd like to do it for fun or to improve your skills, or promote yourself with this book, I'm open to those too! Have a good day everyone. Remember to eat, drink some water, do some self care. Maybe take a nap or so. You deserve it!! 💜 Thank you so much for 1k reads too!!! I can't believe how much it's blown up over 6 days. It's so amazing to see how many people enjoy the writing. And I love how you guys are so honest with it too. Thank you again!! 🧡

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