Please stay.

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Karl's heart raced seeing sapnaps eyes flutter open as he told his childhood friend how he felt about him. Sapnap was staring at him the whole time listening to all the words coming out of his mouth. But Karl kept going. "I just feel like me and you are meant to be, it's been so long and it's weird. But I've loved you since I was 12, and it hasn't changed. Sapnap you're the love of my life. You're the one for me. God I love you so much." Sapnal looked up at Karl in disbelief. Was everything he was saying true? Could sapnap trust him not to leave him alone again? He was scared but filled with joy. Because sapnap felt the same way about his friend. He loved him so much. More than anyone or anything. If he had the chance to run away with karl, he wouldn't hesitate to say yes. Karl and sapnap would do anything for each other.

Karl looked over and saw that sapnap was staring at him with sleepy eyes. Karl sat up in his chair and sighed. He got up and hugged sapnap out of relief. "How much did you hear. Be honest." Karl was still hugging sapnap as hard as he could. Sapnap sunk into his arms, taking in Karl. "Everything." Karl felt his stomach sink. He felt like his heart was being torn even though he didn't get an answer. He looked at Nick. He let go of him, he started to cry. "I think I need to go sapnap.. I'm sorry." Sapnap didn't know what to do. He sat up as fast as he could and grabbed Karl's wrist. "Please stay." Karl turned around and saw Nick, his red eyes. Wide open and exploring his face. Karl turned around and felt anxious. He didn't know if he should, or if he can. It pained him. He didn't know why either. "I'm sorry sapnap, I can't help myself." Sapnap was getting annoyed at how blunt Karl was. Sapnap got off the bed and brought his face to Karl's. He stopped, inches away from each other's nose. "Karl please stay. You have no idea how in love I am with you. Don't go. I need you." Karl felt his heart sink into his stomach. Those words was all he ever wanted to hear, all he wanted to listen to. Sapnap grabbed Karl's cheek and kissed him. Karl kissed him back immediately. Sapnap wrapped his arms around Karl's waist pulling him in closer, Karl followed these steps and put his arms around nicks neck. Rubbing his hands through his hair. Sapnap moved down to Karl's jawline and started to kiss around his ear and neck. Karls heart was beating so fast. He didn't know what to do besides go along with it. They were doing fine until sapnap placed a hickey on Karl's collar bone, causing Karl to gasp. It was painful to him and he didn't know what happened. Sapnap kept sucking and biting around Karl's neck and collarbones. Sapnap looked up at Karl. "All I ever wanted was you. I want you so bad Karl."

Karl stared at sapnap not knowing how to answer. He wanted sapnap too. But did sapnap want him the way Karl wanted sapnap? Karl looked up and smiled at him. "Then have me." This made sapnap go feral. He pushed Karl onto the bed and got on top of him kissing him up and down. (no there isn't gonna be smut but you thought 👴👴.)

Karl grabbed sapnaps hair. They heard footsteps coming up to open the door and stopped as quickly as they can. Karl jumped up off the bed and pushed Nick on it. "Act normal." Karl nodded and sat back down in his chair and waited for the nurse to open the door. She walked in, she had ginger hair and green eyes, freckles. She was quite tall too. Karl thought she was the definition of beauty. She walked up to the bed and smiled. "So how are we feeling sapnap?" Sapnap smiled and felt happy, he was feeling better. No he was feeling more than better, he was feeling splendid. Like he could eat thousands of Skittles. "I feel great, better than ever." The nurse smiled at him and nodded. She was writing down notes as sapnap was telling her how he was feeling. She was like a therapist. The things sapnap was spilling to her, was the most heartbreaking things he's ever heard from him. And here Karl thought sapnap wasn't alone, that he was happy. But he was suffering on the inside. Maybe they could be the ones to fix each other. Maybe Karl could be the one to complete sapnap. He hoped he would be. The nurse finally walked out and Karl looked at sapnap. Sapnap looked at karl. Silence fell in the room. Nothing but breathing. Karl didn't know what to say, neither did sapnap. But finally sapnap spoke up.

"Hey, I'm sorry for putting you through so much. I know I'm a fucking idiot but see i-." Karl put his finger up to his mouth and made a shushing noise to sapnap. Sapnap smiled and knew that Karl didn't want to hear what he had to say because none of it would be true. That's what he loved about karl. He was honest and pure hearted, always listening to sapnap but telling him to shut up when he's had enough of him. It made sapnap smile, it made him happy. Karl and sapnap were as happy as ever. But did they know how easily they could break each other? Just by three words, it can cause both of them to fall apart. Karl couldn't lose sapnap again, he was finally not alone. He felt complete like he had some where to belong. He loved being in love with this man. It brought him joy, but they were both so scared to hurt each other, or hurt themselves. It was the most painful yet beautiful feeling ever.

Love is a dangerous quest, sapnap knew he was sacrificing so much for Karl. But he couldn't help it. What sapnap has always failed to realize was that, Karl was his sun. And you're never meant to go too close to the sun or you'll burn. But he wanted all of the sun, everything it could give. Love, his body, his life. Everything. Being in love is a special feeling to sapnap, it's like he knew the exact moment he fell in love with karl.

It was a Tuesday morning, sapnap was getting ready for his first day of 8th grade. His best friend Karl was already waiting outside for him. Sapnap was rushing as fast as he could. He was filled with joy and anticipation. He rushed down the stairs into his yard meeting with his friend. They hugged each other tightly. They did their special hand shake. Karl had pink hair, sapnap loved when Karl dyed his hair. It was so majestic. But something was different with snap. He felt fuzzy and warm even though it was 22 degrees out. Karl wrapped his arms around sapnaps and walked forward.

Now this moment, was when sapnap fell head over heels for Karl. Karl was pointing out the snow falling down. He stuck his tongue out and caught a snowflake and started jumping up and down. He had a whole bunch of snow in his hair. Sapnap thought Karl looked so beautiful in that moment. Karl pushed sapnap down on the snow and laid down next to him. He grabbed his hand and turned over. Karl brought nicks hand up to his mouth and kissed it. Sapnaps heart was about to explode. Seeing Karl kiss his hand, laying down next to him was all he wanted. He was fulfilled. But then again he was only 14, he was just thinking he was confused. But boy.. was he wrong. He was in love with this boy. So in love he wouldn't be able to pull himself out of love for anything or anyone. It was scary. But Karl also had his own thoughts on sapnap. Did he fell the same? Yes. But they were both dumb and didn't know what to say or do. They were scared to lose each other and still are. They're both so attached to each other, like a dog on a leash. Unable to get away from its owner. It was stuck with them. And Karl was stuck with sapnap. Sapnap was stuck with karl.

Rawr 🤔🤔 1435 words.

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