I'm sorry

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"I'm sorry." 

Korra didn't respond, she just continued pacing nervously.

"I'm sorry."

Again, no answer. But at that point, Asami was just getting it out of her system. Choking it between sobs. She didn't know what came over her, she never hit anyone! Why would she...

Like father, like daughter, right?

"I'm sorry."

She was just like him, just like the person she swore she would never become. And now she ruined the only good thing that had ever happened to her. She always believed Korra when she told her she wasn't a bad person, but she was. Now Korra must've seen it too now. Asami was a bad, horrible person. There was a reason her dad beat her, she always knew it, she just let Korra get to her and believed Korra when she said it's not her fault. But she always knew there was a reason for it all. Always.

"I'm sorry."

Korra stopped pacing. "You need to start therapy again." She said sternly. 

Asami raised her head to look at Korra in shock, eyes puffy and red with tears. "What?"

"You need to start therapy again," Korra repeated, folding her arms.

Asami sniffled, hugging her knees even tighter. "Why don't you hate me?"

Korra raised an eyebrow. "Hate you?" She asked, giving Asami a weird look. "Why would I hate you?"

"I..." Asami couldn't look her in the eyes. "I punched you! I'm a horrible person! What are you even still doing here?"

"I don't hate you," Korra sighed, "to be honest, me and Tahno used to fist fight all the time so really, it's not a big deal. I'm just worried, you obviously had a panic attack and freaked out. I'll never be mad over you defending yourself. I'm just saying you need to start therapy, so that it won't happen again. You need help with your PTSD."

"I don't have PTSD," Asami muttered, "I'm just a horrible person."

"You're not a horrible person, Asami." Korras sighed. "It's just your mental health."

"I am a horrible person! You shouldn't stay with me..."


"Don't you get it? I'm just like him! You need to get away from me, before it's too late, I-I don't wanna hurt you..."


She whimpered, feeling a thumb brush away the tears from her eyes, but this time she didn't flinch. She fisted her hands tightly enough so that she wouldn't.

"You're not like him," she said softly, "you said it yourself, you don't wanna hurt me. That's the difference, he hurt you because he wanted to hurt you, because he's fucking terrible."

Or because I deserved it, Asami thought, but didn't say anything.

"Did you know it was me when you landed the punch?" Korra asked.

"No..." Asami sniffled again.

"If you knew, would you still have punched me?" She continued, her comforting blue eyes staring deep into her own.

"Never." Asami shook her head.

"See?" Korra said with a sad smile. "You didn't mean to, it was just an accident. We just have to make sure it doesn't happen again."

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