"A busy summer" Part4

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For the next few months of school Izuku was training long and hard, passing out numerous times while still trying his best to help people with random fights. His mom was worried but she didn't stop him because he never looked so happy ever since the day he found out he was quirkless, so instead she makes sure he takes proper care of himself everyday.

Izuku had finished cleaning almost half of the beach already and right now he was just sitting on an old refrigerator, staring at his blistered hands. "I really hope I'm ready for this." He says out loud to himself.

He grabbed his backpack and jumped off the fridge and starts heading towards his home. Once he arrived he was greeted with a warm smell of many variations of food.

"Mom? Is something special happening today?" Izuku said while opening the door. There on the table was a small cake with other different types of food. "Of course there is, I wanted to congratulate you, I know I don't do this a lot since money can be a tricky thing but you were working so hard these past for months and I felt like I should at least congratulate you with some food." Inko smiled, "Do you have any friends you want to invite? If not then it's alright, I already invited three people, one of them in your self defense teacher Za! The other two were childhood friends of mine. I hope you don't mind." Inko rubbed the back of her neck. "No! It's alright mom I don't mind, after all, you did all of this for me why would I be annoyed at you for inviting your friends?" Izuku replied.

Inko went over and hugged her son, "Oh Izu, you're too kind. Now go take a quick shower, you smell like sweat and garbage." Izuku chuckled, "Alright mom, I love you" "Love you too."

Once Izuku finished taking a shower and changed his clothes he went into the kitchen and found his mom talking to two other people. "Ah, Izuku! This is Aki," His mom pointed towards a man with a funny looking hat. "and this is Frey, He's from California and recently moved here with his boyfriend because his university is here." Izuku slightly bowed and said, " Nice to meet you Mr. Aki and Mr. Frey."

Frey lightly laughed at Izuku's formality, "It's alright, you can just call me Frey you don't have to you use 'Mister'" Izuku nodded at this and he was about to say something before rapid knocking was at the door. "Oh dear," Inko giggled, "That must Za." She opened the door and there was Za, Smiling brightly. "Ooooh, Inko, You don't know how excited I am for this- There's my boy Izuku!" Za exclaimed walking over and messing up his hair. "Look at you! You have more muscles than when I first saw you, and you don't smell like sweat!" Za looked over and saw Mr. Aki and Frey. "Hello there, My name is Za, I'm Izuku's self defense teacher." Za pulled out her hand and the men shook it. While they were talking Inko smiled and walked over to Izuku. "Well come on, let's eat I'm sure you're hungry!"

"I've never seen you this interested in a student before, What'd they score?" Present Mic asked. "They scored a 92% and it only took them under 4 hours." Principal Nedzu replied. "Wow, That little listener is smart! What's their name?" Mic said looking away from the phone he was texting from.
"They put their name as 'Deku', No one has that name in any of the schools in this area that can enter Yuuei so they are either far away or they are using a nickname of some sort."
"Deku? That's a strange name to choose."
"That's exactly what I thought, but we'll find them eventually. If you hear anyone talking about someone named 'Deku' ask them about it."
"Alright, Will do. I have to get going now or else Mr. Grumpy will get mad, bye!" Present Mic yelled before leaving the school grounds.

It was around 1 am and Izuku's mother was asleep while Izuku was in his room contemplating life. Izuku grabbed a 5 foot steel pole that was decently light but also very good for whacking people on the head. Izuku laughed nervously, "As long as I don't get apart of any big villain fights I should be fine" Izuku let out a sigh, "alright, time to perform technically legal activities." He said, trying to distract himself from his nerves.

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