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it was two in the morning when hyunjin received a text message from seungmin. he had just finished hacking up some more roses, and could really use a break from everything going on. the disease was not only adding an obstacle to his everyday life, but slowly deteriorating his mentality.

hey are you still up?

yeah why?

oh nothing i'm just bored
wanted to see if you could facetime or something

of course! one second let me fix my hair lol

hyunjin facetimed seungmin, and the two talked for hours. hyunjin loved that he could talk with seungmin for so long, pouring out all his worries and whatnot, and the younger always listened and cared.

"hey, is that blood on your neck?" seungmin asked out of the blue, squinting at the camera.

the older immediately felt panic set in, eyes widening as he examined his neck in the small space he could see himself on his phone. sure enough, there was a small red dot right under his jawline.

"what? how did that get there?" he tried to laugh it off, but seungmin always knew when something was off with his best friend. "i don't even know where that came from."

"jinnie, don't lie to me." seungmin sternly told. "blood doesn't just appear out of thin air."

"i'm not, i swear. i must've accidentally cut myself somehow. everything is fine."

"yeah right. you know what, maybe i should come over to your place right now just to make sure you're okay."

"it's four in the morning though?"

"and? you're one of my closest friends." hyunjin felt a pang in his heart when seungmin said the word 'friends.' "i'll be over in a few minutes."

hyunjin sighed at the younger, who had just hung up. why did seungmin have to be so perfect and caring all the time?

just like he promised, seungmin pulled up outside of hyunjin's house on a bike a few minutes later. he had a spare key and welcomed himself inside, running up to hyunjin's room with blankets and some movies.

"let's watch a movie." the younger suggested right when he got into hyunjin's room, fanning out the several cds he brought with him.


the two went over to the living room and snuggled up on the couch there, selecting a horror movie. neither of the two were good with horror movies, so they were clinging onto each other the whole time the movie was playing.

seungmin would laugh every time hyunjin let out a yelp at the jump scares, and hyunjin thought it was really cute when the younger hid his face in the blankets when the monsters appeared on screen.

eventually seungmin fell asleep on hyunjin's shoulder, and the older took the time to examine his perfect features.

but of course the stupid tingling feeling in hyunjin's mouth ruined the moment. carefully, he slipped away from his sleeping friend and into the washroom, tears forming as he choked up almost full-sized roses heads.

with each the pain of each flower passing through his throat, the removal surgery became a more appealing option.

but hyunjin didn't want to give up without trying. time was ticking, and if he wanted a chance at all, he had to do something soon.

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