Chapter 11

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The next time you awoke the long glass ceiling was filled with inky darkness, a dull amber glow barely vignetting the far edge of the sky. There was no longer a hustle and bustle in the hall beyond the closed heavy doors to your wing, and across from you Hizashi breathed softly in his sleep. He had changed his clothes since you'd fallen asleep, he was wearing a similar forest green tunic to the one he had one when you first met him and his hair washed and haloing out around him. You too had been changed in your sleep, your oversized traveling clothes replaced with a fresh white linen dressing gown. Next to Hizashi, stretched out across a still made cot, was Shouta. He had yet to change fully, his pants were still the same black worn trousers he'd been wearing for the last handful of days but he'd peeled off the heavy top layers and was wearing a thin linen shirt not so dissimilar to your dressing gown.

The door creaked open every so slightly, wavering golden light spilling into the room in a clean molten ray. A man, peered in, his features silhouetted by the torches in the hallways, his head was more than a foot or so higher than the average man's head when standing tall. The edge of his broad shoulder peeked through the door as well, and a huge hand wrapped around the edge of the door. He slowly pushed the door open, trying to keep the heavy door's moans to a minimum. As he entered the room you got a good look at his full size, he was enormous. His shoulders were as wide and Shouta and Hizashi's side and his arms reminded you of the brutal strength in an ox's legs, you could see defined mounds of muscle through the rich red velvet that encircled his arms.

"Hello." He whispered softly, looking at you. You could see the faintest outline of his face in the light from the hallway, a kind smile across his lips.

"H-hello." you greeted back, choking on the dryness in your throat.

He walked towards you, for a man his size he was exceptionally quiet. He wasn't soundless like Shouta could be but his foot falls were light and controlled like he had lots of practice roaming around in the small hours when everyone was asleep. The closer he got the more you could see, he had golden hair that was neatly combed back, two clocks in the front refuting the lay flat, and glowing blue eyes. The doublet he wore was a rich blue quilted velvet, the long sleeved tunic beneath it made from red velvet, the clasps of the doublet were gold and the shoulers were lined with little tufts of white fur. He was dressed unbelievably lavishly, his clothes fitting to those of a king.

"My name is Toshinori." He greeted, sitting down smoothly on the cot next to you.

"Toshi- Lord Toshinori?" you gasped. You tried to sit up, maybe even stand, tried to make an effort to greet the lord properly.

"Please," he raised a hand to stop you, "it's alright. I take it Shouta and hizashi have told you a bit about us then?"

"A-a little bit," You muttered, still acutely aware you were speaking to a lord you threw in some formality for good measure, "m-my Lord."

"Good." He was still smiling but there was an air of awkwardness about it. "You may call me Toshinori when we aren't speaking under official circumstances, Y/n."

"Of course, m-Toshinori." You smiled politely. A Lord, who didn't want to be referred to as a Lord, at all times? You suddenly understood Shouta's horrendous display of court formalities a few days ago. "How did you-"

"I spoke to Shouta earlier today, after you and Hizashi were tended to he came to speak to me. He informed me of your meeting and of some of the details of our travels, you've had a very exciting week." The way he spoke warmed you to your bones, kindness seeped outwards from him in thick wafting waves.

"That's a nice way to put it." you responded. Exciting. Try traumatic.

"Yes," he chuckled deeply, "I've been told I tend to sugar coat things."

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