Seventeen: Valley Fest

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This morning was Monday, meaning I had school and then karate. School went by pretty fast, I wasn't paying much attention. When I drove everybody to karate dad lined us up and yelled.

"Okay! So! I heard that Miyagi-Do is going to make a little appearance and Vally Fest! We might just need to change that." He said sternly. I look at Eli and he smirks.

Something about that smirk didn't make me blush, I didn't find it attractive, I found it worrying. That was an evil smirk. He was excited to ruin something for someone else. Do not get me wrong I despise the Larusso family and have nothing wrong with ruining Vally Fest. But there's something weird about the amount of joy he got from ruining something for someone else.

"I'm okay with this." I said quietly.

"Wait really? I'm surprised." My dad said.

"Yeah, I mean I hate Sam. She's a total bitch." Everybody chuckles.

"It's official I RAISED A BADASS!" My dad jokes.

"I'm dating a badass." Eli whispered in my ear, apparently not quiet enough.

"20 PUSH-UPS ON YOUR KNUCKLES HAWK!" My dad yells walking to his office. I try to hold back so much laughter.

That doesn't work very well because I break into laughter and Miguel and Tory join me.

"Are you done yet?" Eli asked before doing his pushups.

"Yes. Yes we're done." I'm still trying to hold back a giggle. We all kinda just talk while Eli does his push-ups. Apparently I was staring, I didn't even notice.

"Uhh y/n?" Tory says waving her hand in front of my face.

"Oh uhh, what?" Eli gets up and walks to our group.

"Like whatcha see?" He whispers in my ear.

"DAD CAN WE START THE LESSON!" I yell ignoring the question. They all laugh at me and line back up.

We practice our idea for Valley fest and go on our way. We didn't wanna be late of course.

We get there and get set up. Miyagi-Do was already doing their stupid useless garbage, so it's time to make this place awesome. Right when they were about to do their pussy move- I mean their moves, we started chanting 'cobra Kai' and marching on stage.

I got to kick boards blind-folded with Aisha. Pretty badass if you ask me. We had fire too. Everybody was clapping for us and completely ignoring Miyagi-Do.

After Valley fest we all went to go home. Tory and Miguel were no where to be found.

"Umm Eli? Where's Tory."

"I don't know I can't find Miguel either." We both walk around to find them. We find them kissing behind a wall.


Eli walks up to Miguel and do that weird handshake thing.

(literally the definition of 'the bois🥶🥶' )

"Nice going man. But I still got a girlfriend before you." Me and Tory walk up to them.

"AM I A FUCKING COMPETITION TO YOU?!" I tried to stay serious but I wanted to laugh so hard. I was obviously joking, but he did not catch on.


"For someone who is supposed to be a badass, pleading for your girlfriend to not break up with you over a joke? Pretty pussy-ish if you ask me." He walks up to me really close.

"Your an ass." He jokes.

"And your a DUMBass. What do you want me to do about it." He goes to kiss me but I just turn around walk away. I get Tory and we walk away.

"I don't even-" I start.

"Don't try. Their friendship is unbreakable." We chuckle and walk behind them.

"Sooo when did you get with Tory." I ask.

"Last night. We kissed at this old playground thing she took me too. She said it calms her down. Then I guess I just- kissed her. She's amazing. How's everything going with you and y/n."

"Good! She's beautiful. And she's so sweet, but a badass. Almost like the bitter-sweet thing ya know? I really love her." I kinda just tell him everything. Except for the beating up Demetri of course.

"Jeez dude. You've really fallen for her." I just nod and chuckle.

"WHEN DID YOU GET WIT MIGUEL! TELL ME EVERYTHING." I turn into one of those girls that make fan pages for shipping people.

"Last night I brought him to my childhood favorite place. He kissed me there. He's awesome. So nice. God, I've liked him for such a long time. What about you and Hawk?"

"Pretty good. There's something about how he's acting lately. He's been seeming sorta evil, but that sounds weird. Like before when my dad said we were sabotaging Valley fest, he smiled like it was a good thing we were being mean. And he's been giving Demetri dirty looks. Maybe he's a bit too loyal to cobra Kai."

"Well, we're gonna have to see."

"Yeah. But I really do love him though. When it comes to positives, he's been amazing. Always looking out for me. But he's a TOTAL flirt. Like how did I not know that. Ever since we got together he's been so touchy feely with me. I don't really mind-" she looks at me weird. "NO NOT LIKE THAT NOT SEXUAL! Just like what you saw before when he was like really up close and everything."

"Oh okay. I got kinda nervous for a second." We break out into laughter and we all meet back up in the car. I drive them all home, saying goodbye to everybody as they leave. When it was just me and Miguel in the car I teased him about Tory of course.

How could you not. Two of my best friends were dating. What could go wrong?

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