7- Hobbies and Friends

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Spiderman POV

"Here's your drinks! What can I get you to order today?" Leo said.

"I'd like tomato basil soup."

"I uh- I'll take the castaway kids pizza with mashed potatoes and milk." I couldn't afford anything else, ok?!?

"Are you sure that's going to be enough for you, Spiderman?"

Black Widow asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Yea, I just ate." Not a lie, I did have fruit on the way here.

"Alright. So do you have any hobbies?"

"I like to build Legos with my friend." Oh my god, that makes me sound so childish!

"Oh, that's cool! What kinds of things do you guys build?"

"We mostly build Star Wars stuff, but there are occasionally other things too."

"SM, stop giving her so much information! Telling her about the Legos was fine, but don't tell her exactly what you build! Turn the conversation back to her." MJ whispered from across the room. I internally do two things: 1- tell her sorry, and 2‐ panic more.

"So, what are your hobbies?"

"I find knitting relaxing after a long day."

"What kinds of things do you knit?"

"Mainly sweaters that say 'you suck' for the other avengers."

"Haha, that sounds like something another friend of mine would do!"

"W h y did you say that! You brought the conversation back to you!" MJ whispered yelled at me.

"You have a great friend then."

"Yea, she's great. I guess the Avengers must be good friends to you."

"Yea, even when they're jerks, we are still a team, and we know we have each other's back at the end of the day."

"But aren't you kinda betraying them right now? I mean, they are hunting me down."

"No, маленький паук, you're not a threat. I would have their backs against a real threat. Not anything they just assume is."


"маленький паук. It means 'little spider.' in Russian."


"Here is your food." I look down to see a halfway burnt pizza, not going to complain though.

Ghost- Peter Parker/Spiderman Meets The AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now