🌿Chapter Three🌿

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Jesse led them to the infamous Order Hall. Ivor stood talking to an unfamiliar woman. She was rather pretty, Gabriel had to admit. Not as pretty or stunning as his angel. Upon closer inspection, the potionist's cheeks were a faint shade of red.
"Ivor!" Jesse called. Ivor turned, smiling... Until his deep blue eyes landing upon Gabriel. Said eyes widened. Neither men looked at one another. The woman spoke up,
"Ivor, who is this?" There was nothing to suggest that she didn't like him. There was just curiosity. Ivor cleared his throat awkwardly,
"Harper, this is Gabriel. One of my old friends,"
"The ones that kicked you from the Original Order?" Harper's eyes hardened slightly.
There we go, Gabriel thought, There's the disapproval! It felt right to express how he felt when the others had forced Ivor to leave.
"You realise that I never wanted you to leave?" He said quietly. Ivor looked confused. Had he heard Gabriel correctly? Had the warrior truly missed him. Said warrior huffed a small laugh,
"I was crying for a whole week,"
Even now, those greyish blue eyes seemed misty. Ivor smiled and walked up to him. He place his fingers beneath Gabriel's hung head and raised it, "That means a lot, Gabriel,"
After few minutes of apology from warrior, potionist and even Harper, Ash decided that Gabriel still needed that Calming Potion, "Ivor," She said loudly, "Something happened earlier and I think Gabriel may need a Calming Potion from it,"
Everyone but Gabriel and Ash became serious and Ivor said quietly, "What happened?"
Gabriel looked down, "Can I please have that potion first?"

"So," Harper said after Gabriel had drank the pale purple liquid, "What happened?"
Gabriel sighed, he didn't quite feel ready to recount the pain but he knew that he had to tell them sooner or later. And like that, he forced himself to, in a way, relive the pain.

Three shocked faces looked at him. He found himself hand in hand with Ash. Ivor put his hand on his friend's left shoulder. Jesse whispered, "That's.... That's awful... I'm sorry,"
Gabriel smiled sadly, "There was nothing you could have done Jess,"
Ash sighed, "I just wish we knew what it meant,"
Ivor looked thoughtful, "I could do some research,"
Jesse brightened, "We have a guess bedroom down the hall, you could stay here!"
Ash and Gabriel looked at each other before Ash said, "You don't have to. I mean, we wouldn't wanna-"
A very scary expression came onto Jesse's face, "You two are staying and that's final!"
Gabriel looked a little terrified as he stuttered, "Y-Yes ma'am,"

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