☀️Chapter Twenty☀️

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Ash opened her eyes. The forest around her was extremely dark but she could make out a familiar figure. Gabriel had his back to her, hands behind it. Ash ran to him. The warrior faced her. His face was set in a look of interest. Somehow, his eyes seemed darker. There was no bright light of permanent kindness. His dark hair dangled in front of his face. Ash hugged him, "Where are the others?" She asked, placing her hands on his shoulders. Gabriel glared slightly,
"Who needs them?"
Ash stepped back, bewildered, "What's gotten into you?"
Gabriel's eyes became bright red, his pupils became cat-like slits. Ash broke into a run away from him. Where was her trident when she needed it? She heard Gabriel laugh cruelly behind her, "Where do you think you're going, girly?" He taunted, his teeth became fangs. She heard him spread his wings, darker than usual. It struck Ash as her run slowed greatly in the classical nightmare style. The Gabriel chasing her wasn't her Gabriel. He wasn't her warrior! She turned around to face him, summoning her trident. Suddenly, she felt breathing down her neck. Turning around, she met the horror of all horrors. Nightmare Gabriel was grinning, his fangs somehow already dripping in blood. His red eyes were wide. He looked insane. His armour was coated in red. He pulled out a long blade and brought it down on Ash's arm, slicing it clean off. Ash yelled in pain. She gasped and fell to her knees. Nightmare Gabriel bent over her and whispered, "Goodnight, Devil," And Ash died.

Ash woke with a scared gasp. She turned around to see the real Gabriel had his arms around her, sleeping peacefully. The others were with them. She whimpered, her body shaking. The only way she knew Gabriel was awake was from the murmer of, "Is everything alright, my love?"
Ash curled into Gabriel's side, taking in the warrior's warmth and comfort. She felt tears fall from her eyes. She was glad this was the real Gabriel, her warrior, comforting her. Gabriel heard her sniffles. He clutched her to his chest. He rubbed her back and Ash finally broke into helpless sobs. Gabriel spread his normal wings and brought them around the girl in his arms. Ash eventually calmed and relived her nightmare. Gabriel growled, "No one hurts or scares my Angel and gets away with it,"

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