☀️Chapter Twenty Seven☀️

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The three of them laughed and grinned stroking the adder. Gabriel explained his situation to his sister who said,
"I'm coming with you," Bethany said bravely. Her blue eyes hardened with love and determination. Gabriel smiled at her,
"Thank you," He said softly. He set the adder down and let it go away. He stood, the girls following suit. They stayed and watched Gabriel train for a while before a screech filled the air. Gabriel spread his wings and flew toward the Kieanaas. Ellegaard, Eliza, Rosalyn and Adrian were already there, ready to fight. It was an even fight. Five against five.

It turned out that these particular Kieanaas were stronger than any of the other ones they had faced. It was all the Phoenixes could do to fight back. However shadows wrapped themselves around the Kieanaas' necks and strangled them. The other Phoenixes look up to see a woman with black, feathery wings, dark purple eyes, strawberry blonde hair with a stroke of black, which she had tied in a ponytail. She was dressed in a black hoodie with greyish purple jeans. In her hand was a large bow and a quiver rested on her shoulder. She was a Phoenix. The Dark Phoenix. A male appeared next to to her. He too had strawberry blonde hair except with a yellow stroke. He had golden wings. He looked rather disappointed,
"Kerry, you did it without me again,"
Kerry laughed, "Sorry, Xavier, but you need to learn to keep up with me," She turned to the other Phoenixes, "I'm assuming that you're the other Phoenixes, or did you find a way to fake that?"
Adrian shook his head, "We're the real ones,"
Kerry smiled, "Good, we've been looking for forever and a day,"
Gabriel was half listening but was a bit more interested in the ring on Xavier's ring finger. He was married meaning that the warrior could ask him for advice.

The next days passed quickly as Gabriel's heart sped with a nervous excitement. He was going to propose to Ash. He walked over to Ellegaard,
"Ellie," He said, "Can I ask you a favour?"
Ellegaard smiled, "Obviously,"
"Can you and the other girls keep Ash away from this clearing until sunset?"
"Of course, why?" She smiled encouragingly, "You're going to propose aren't you?"
"Yes," Gabriel breathed, fingering the ring again. Ellegaard placed a supporting hand on his shoulder,
"I know she'll yes. I'll pass the message on to the others," She said. The warrior smiled his thanks before walking to Xavier,
"Xavier, can I talk to you for a minute,"

The Light Phoenix followed the Ice Phoenix, who was notably uneasy. Xavier thought he'd defuse the tension a little, "What do you need?"
Gabriel took a deep breath, "I'm proposing to Ash tonight and I couldn't help but wonder if you had any advice,"
"Course I do. Keep a cool head and it helps if you prepare what you want to say before you propose,"

Once Gabriel had asked the other males to help him, he gave Ellegaard a signal. She nodded and turned to the other girls, "There's this really nice river not far from here that's good for swimming and, let's face it, it's getting a little hot,"
The other women nodded and followed Ellegaard as she walked away. Gabriel took a deep breath as he watched his girlfriend go. Now was the time to get ready. He looked at Ivor, Adrian and Xavier,
"Well, let's go. We have until sunset and then the girls will be back," 

Studying the clearing, Gabriel fingered the ring box in his pocket. He was going to do it, he was actually going to do it. He was going to propose to Ash. The trees cast a beautiful light onto the grass. The river looked like diamonds. The bushes had sprouted flowers. He looked over to Xavier who was collecting small white blossom petals. He then looked at Ivor. The man was braiding small vines and draping them over branches. Adrian had lit a small flame that did not destroy anything. It's blue flames mixed with the sunlight. It now acted like a spotlight. He exhaled. He began to think about what to say to her before he would pull out the ring. Ash was the most amazing woman he had ever met. Yes, that makes a good start, He thought. She'd made him laugh when all hope seemed gone from the world. She had stood up for him when no one else would. She'd pushed aside the fact that he was a fraud. She was beautiful, loving but kind and brave. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Footsteps cut through his thoughts. She was coming. 

Ash had a blind fold over her eyes. She pulled it off when Bethany had stopped guiding her. Gabriel's sister walked away with an encouraging smile at her brother. Ash's brown eyes met Gabriel's. She smiled and hugged him. Gabriel hugged her back before walking away. Do it now, Said a voice in his head,
"Ash, you are the most amazing woman I have ever met. When I first laid eyes upon you I fell in love immediately. You take my breath away every time I look at you. You make me laugh when it feels like all laughter has gone from the world. You've stood up for me when no one else has. You've pushed the fact that I'm a fraud aside and seen me and loved me for who I am. Your beautiful and yet you don't let that beauty get in the way of your kindness. You're loving yet brave. You've given me so much and I want to return that by spending the rest of my days with you," He got down on one knee and pulled out the box and opened it, "Ashley Marie, will you marry me?" 
Tears sparkled in Ash's eyes, "YES!" She said and flung herself onto Gabriel. Gabriel too began to cry. Xavier dropped the petals as the moon began to rise.

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