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"you don't have to really belive in love, when you start noticing you will be deep down in that ocean , and love itself is phenomenal, smallest actions , can make largest impacts"

They started to the airport In sam's car, ammu was so tried of all the rituals , and was week as she didn't have enough sleep and was deprived of food due to timelessness having all rituals around.And so she drifted off to sleep.

Sam kept looking at his sleeping beauty, who look so cute and peaceful, he just corrected her posture and clicked a picture of her beautiful face, no sooner they reached the private airport, he cautiously picked her up and carried her into his private jet, which was very customised according to his tastes and had a  conference room ,ofcourse staff room equipped with a kitchen, and a small condo, which had a small double bed, a mini kitchen and a bath. This arrangement was due to his unusual travelling habits and messed up meetings due to different time zones, he was true business man, and he didy care how many hours he worked or how much he traveled as far as the deal is cracked, his mother literally forced to customize this plane.

Sam gently laid her down on the bed, tucking her in, he started working. After few hours their dinner was bought In by a maid and he tried to wake her up, but she was in deep sleep. Though he planned the meeting in California, seeing her so tired he changed his mind, and asked his Assistant to enquire the possibility of shifting the meeting, to his personal island, which is near Spain and Morraco, which he bought dearly, when he started one of his branches in Spain, an IT industry, which Spain was in much need, it was a big hit here and Spanish government was really welcoming, and so he bought on of the largest mansions in Madrid and also an private island nearby. When he got a call back from his Assistant informing him that, the clients from Germany were more than happy to have the meeting near Spain as it also saves their time, he informed his flight personnel about the change of place.

It was 9 hours of travel and they landed in his private island, and his queen was still sleeping so peacefully all through the journey, he couldn't imagine how jet lagged she would be, if it was 17 hour flight to California. He carefully lifted her in his arms and carried her into his beach house, and carefully placed her on the bed. All this time she was in deep slumber.

It was 3 am in here and the meeting was scheduled by 11 am tomorrow, he had already asked his assistant to fly by 10 am tomorrow, his Spain branch manager and his good friend Aryan, to revive the clients and with that he removed his shirt and went to bed, to consume in much needed sleep.

No sooner, it was 8 am in the morning, ammu woke up and her eyes scanned the surroundings , everything was white, she looved the white curtains and wooden flooring of the house...

"Wa...wait ...what" her brain questioned, last time she remembered, she was in a car with Sam, did she get kidnapped? But, she doesn't really have enemies, did some kidnap her because she is sameer Aditya's wife? Yet, aagain none knew about her, sameer had already warnned media, and then her eyes shifted to her husband peacefully sleeping, "isn't he cute while sleeping?" She murmured to herself, that's when she noticed that sameer was half naked.

She panicked, did they do anything last night??? Oh my god!! How should she face him!??, Why doesn't she remember anything??

"Ayyo rama!! I am so stupid" she shouted to herself, then she slowly pecked under her sheets, to see she was fully dressed, in the same saree, she was wearing yesterday, she breathed in relief.

She got up and went to take a look at the house, if this the house we are going to live in, I would just love it, the beach house had a small kitchen, a beautiful lounge, an amazing balcony , what she loved about the house was it's colour theme, it was amazing.

She then decided to take the bath before the devil wakes up, and searched through the wadrobe, she pulled a  casual jeans and a white shirt and showered and got dressed, went into the kitchen, to brew some coffee and breakfast  for herself and her husband.

Sameer woke only to find her place empty, he jumped out of bed and moved down, only to be amused at the sight of his wife, dressed up casually, humming to herself and dancing few steps, while making coffee, well he thought he was so lucky to wake up to this amazing view everyday, he sneaked up to his wife and hugged her from behind.

"I will be lucky to wake up to this view every morning" he whispered into her ears.

Though, it effected her alot, maira didn't forget the cunning tricks he played on her every time and made her the victim to his naughty acts.

"You wish, sorry I am not a early waker" she replied.

Sameer was amused to see his shy kitten, standing up to him, but he wasn't the man to give up so easily.

He suddenly turned her and pinned her to the was, edging towards her.

"It's....this...tha..that the.,. breakfast what...no...will...burn" maira was forgetting everything, she hated having this effect all because of him, and cursed him.

" Stop, cursing he so much in that little brain of your" he loved the effect he has on her.

"Do you need any help with the breakfast? " Sameer questioned , spacing him from her.

"No, I can manage"  she uttered, with him in kitchen, that to half naked, forget the recipe, she will just burn the house down. She needed him away, atleast for now.

"You can go take bath, and then we can have breakfast" she said.

"Wanna help " he whispered

She cursed her fate for getting married to this naughty husband. And all she could do was glare at him.

He just raised his hands, and uttered

"Stop thinking dirty amaira, I was just asking if you wanna help setting table for breakfast afterwards, no offense" and walked away, to have bath

This bastard , was all ammu could say to herself

I am not really an author notes person, but thanks for loving this book, I never thought I would write a love story but here I am, sorry for late update, but I had few personal crisis to deal with, I promise to give regular updates, here on. And only votes 🙄🥺, guyyyssss, I wanna hear you thoughts on sam's and amairas decision.

How do like their story, pls let me know.

Till then,




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