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"That's the thing about introverts, we were our chaos on the inside were no one can see it"

Amaira's pov:

It's been a week since I am engaged to Sameer .I was super excited before when ,it was arranged to marry Manoj, but after all the chaos ,I was devasted , though latha ma said they just want me to be the bride and expect nothing else from my family , the idea of getting into married life frightens me.

People at times conclude being a girl is lucky , they say a girl don't have to study hard, don't have to work hard because at the end of the day ,they are married off.
If only it was that easy , life is a fight for a girl , it's more of a survival than luxury. Since the birth , a girl faces many things , the rules rubbed over her and the things she is limited to, everything is judged from the way she dresses to the way she speaks and not to forget the menstrual cramps, the fear of being touched , the chauvinism. And if she hails from a family with less financial background, the problems just double up. And the least luck they get is being married to a man who respects her , that only happens 1 out of 100% cause we all know men out there are douchébags. And let's just not think about the martial abuse women face from in-laws and husband.

Being the elder one of the family with single mother ,doubles up the responsibility.I always strived to be perfect because I never wanted me to be the bad influence to my sister. It's not like my mom forced me to study hard ,more like I understood the reson to push myself ,that's to provide my mom and sister with a better life. I never was much interested in relationships , but had a crush . When I weighed in the pros and cons of getting together with him , the practicality won .
And when I started working ,I was too engrossed to cross check my love life, so my mom took up her intrest in finding me a good husband , when manoj showed up out of blue ,with an arranged marriage proposal I was too happy , maybe too much of happiness is dangerous after all, and humanity only serves as a cruse , I mean all I did was save a women, who was fighting for Life ,and what did I get back , a marriage called off.

It took me weeks to come out of it, and now again ,some people showing up at my door and asking for my hand ,and everything happening so fast, it's not like I hate their family , one can understand how guilty latha ma felt when she felt ,when she heard my marriage called of because of her and not to forget the she valued relationships more than money , somehow my mom and varsha are happy with alliance , varsha never bonded with manoj ,and I being a introvert never spoke to him much ,but with Sameer ,varsha is always on phone bonding up with him , and he regularly texts me , as he understood I was comfortable texting.

Its not like I hate getting married,more like I am frightened.And there's no reason to say no to this marriage.

My thought process was stopped when my phone dinged

"Hey sweetie!!had your lunch?"
It's was was finance texting me

"Yes, I have just completed,am heading to office now, text you later "

"Ok then! Byee"

I know I don't even have the manners to ask him ,if he had lunch ,but don't blame me on this ,it's just I am too numb with everything going on.

"Hey ! Maira" ritu shouted, bringing me back from my thoughts

Ritu is one of the best friends I have got to meet in this office,she is super opposite to me ,very outspoken ,carefree soul.she works in PR department ,we meet up during lunch.

" Ritu ,so whats new?" I questioned her

" I heard the CEO is shifting to banglore office by next week" she said

And now ladies and gentlemen ,I am screwed. My wedding preparations going to start in a week and my mother-in-law asking me to take a week leave , and arrival of CEO, I am doomed for life.

"Ammu are you even listening " ritu questioned

" Sorry ritu , I just zoned out, and yeah I want to tell you something"

" Don't tell me you are leaving the company" ritu asked

" Nah! I am getting married" I whispered casually

"Oh..kk...wa...wait what!? You are getting married , don't tell me that it's the same douchébag ,Manoj .I will kidnap you from your wedding" ritu shouted

"Nope! Remember the women , I saved , it's her son"

" Oh! What's his name??"now she was digging the details

"Its sameer"

" What does he do?"

Before I could answer , I got a call from my assistant.

" Sorry ritu some other time, got to go" with that I started towards my cabin

My assistant informed about that the team is lagging in working on current project ,they asked for time extension and I was furious , as their director I am responsible for the outcome of the project and so I ordered immediate meeting with my subordinates. I walked into my cabin and started with the analysis , it looked pretty good ,but the problem was they were stuck up with at the developing phase.

"Prateek , just give me one valid reason to extend the time" I questioned

" Mam, it's a development project and with two of our team developers abroad with on-site projects , we are down on developers" he reasoned

" No time extension required ,we will be submitting our project on time"

" But mam..." I stopped Lilith mith my hand and continued

" Let me complete Mr.Likith, I will collaborate with the developing team "

" Don't you think that's too much mam, I mean you are working on post schedule preparations and collaborated with company's advertising branch, for next release of our product" my assistant reasoned

" You get what you work for,not what you wish for, Ms.Gupta "

With that we started working on the project and simultaneously worked up towards my schedule

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