The Adventure can begin

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When Celeste said, "Let's not waste any time", she meant it. She created a portal on the spot to bring them to Domino. She let Valtor go first. He looked back on his dreary life for one last time and smiled as he stepped through the portal.

He arrived in a meadow. A small stream flowed in front of him, behind it was a single house in front of a forest. On the horizon he could see Domino's Castle on a hill. He remembered the old days when he had fought with the ancestral witches against the Company of Light. And he remembered how Celeste had abandoned him back then, before he was defeated and brought to the Omega dimension. It wouldn't be the first time that he wondered why he was with her now.

The witch put a cloak on Valtor and wore one by herself. She looked almost lovely. Her body-hugging dress from the night before had changed to a long black jacket and black pants. She also wore walking shoes, even if Valtor knew that the shoes did not suit the witch's taste. He also knew why the witch was styled up the day before. She knew his weakness for beautiful women, and this witch wasn't just powerful; she also was a dark beauty.

With discomfort, Valtor asked, "Do you really think that I am useful to you?"

Celeste looked around: "Even if I just pushed you into a trap, you were helpful."

Valtor pulled the cloak tighter. He didn't know whether to feel challenged or intimidated, but he knew too well that she was serious. The wizard felt bad. Before, he would have responded with a good line, but at that point he wasn't confident.

"What if someone recognizes us?" Valtor asked. The witch grinned diabolically. That was enough for an answer. The fire magician could have figured it out himself. And yet he hoped not to meet anyone.

So began the journey of the two. Celeste led him straight into the woods. Valtor was already feeling strange vibrations. They were barely noticeable, which was the reason, he couldn't say what it was, but he could notice that his sister felt it too.

"What is that?" He asked.

She didn't look back, but replied: "A strong protective spell that is supposed to prevent us from arriving too quickly at the silver mountains. The royal family from Domino had realized some time ago that a secret lies in the silver mountains. They try to figure it out themselves and apparently they suspect that people like us are also after the secret. "

"Is that the reason how you found out about it?" Valtor asked.

His companion shook her head: "Not quite. I've been researching the ancestral witches' secret power reserve for a long time. It was always said that the magic lies in the heart of the silver crown." She paused for a moment and then continued. "I took a few jobs from rich wizards who promised me old ciphers in return. It was during one of these missions that I came to the silver mountains for the first time and noticed that they looked like a silver crown. I thought to myself that it would actually only be logical if the ancestral witches had hided their power reserves in Domino. If the fight had been taken place a little further east, it would have been easy to access the power reserve. "

Valtor was once again impressed with his sister, but that immediately turned into anger: "Maybe it could have relocated. Perhaps the tide could have turned. But you fled and abandoned us. "

"What am I supposed to do in a hopeless situation?" Celeste asked unimpressed, "I'm not omnipotent. This battle was doomed. "

Valtor just kept quiet. It annoyed him what she said. He would never forgive her for simply escaping from the battle when the final phase was reached. And yet he was here.

They went through the forest for a while, so that it could slowly get boring for the two siblings. But then Valtor noticed two shadows behind him. At first he didn't show it. He did not know whether they were simple residents of Domino or potential opponents. They went on like this for a while. Valtor was trying to find signs if Celeste had noticed too. Suddenly, she inconspicuously showed three fingers. Valtor knew the sign. She showed only two and the wizard grinned. Like in the old days. One. Valtor turned and looked into the frightened faces of the men who had attacked him the previous evening. The witch appeared behind them, for which they were not prepared.

"What do you want from me?", Valtor asked with a hiss, "I thought I had already made it clear to you yesterday that you should leave me alone."

One said without hesitation: "As if we want something from a rat like you. We want power and we only get it if we follow the Grand witch. "

"I don't like being followed," Celeste growled and while the men were still looking behind them, she shot a spell at the two of them, who were immediately thrown in front of Valtor. He sent them another fire explosion which transported them back. Celeste laughed and repeated the game.

She said: "I loved playing ball as a child."

Valtor replied: "Therefore this marksmanship."

Celeste now stood in front of the men and said with a derisive smile: "And Valtor, what do we do with them?"

He thought about it. He'd love to teach these guys a lesson. But they had to be careful. Any misstep could reveal too quickly that they were on this planet.

The witch didn't care: "I'll make the decision for you. I need some thrill."

She lifted the men with her magic, whereupon they started screaming. Valtor watched how Celeste pulled her fingers closer and closer together. The men gasped at the same rate and quickly ran out of air. She clenched her fists and held them together. At the same moment the men fell to the ground. Valtor knew about the murderous spells his sister could do, and he knew how much fun she had using them. Even now. She approached her victims and looked for interesting things.

"Look at you," she said when she suddenly held up a wallet, "they were both agents of the Magic Council. If they have passed on their information, then this trip could be even more fun."

She took the money from the wallets: "I hunted us some food. Well, almost."

Valtor grinned: "It's really never been boring with you." Inside he got a queasy feeling again. The mission he had accepted could be very arduous.

"Come on," the witch said and went forward again, "At the end of the forest is a village. I would love to spend the night there."

The wizard followed quickly. They had reached the village in the late afternoon. With the money Celeste had taken from the men and with a veiling spell - so that no one would recognize them - the witch had managed to get a room in an inn. Valtor sat outside the inn until dinner and looked at Domino's castle, glittering in the setting sun. How he wished it would go down with the royal family. He saw a newspaper rack on the other side. It printed his favorite enemies and another picture showed Princess Daphne. Annoyed, he threw his head back. The catastrophe, which must have been twenty years ago, was really nowhere to be felt. Valtor watched the people too. They seem calm and serenity. He imagined how they would tremble because of him. The imagination of ​​it made the wizard suddenly smile.

The fire mageician spent the rest of the evening thinking about himself and his powers. Now he knew again what he wanted. He wanted to be the greatest and most evil wizard of all time.

And if the time came soon, he wanted to show again how powerful he once was. Most of all, he didn't want to worry about his sister. Before falling asleep late at night, he even imagined how she would tremble because of him - A wonderful thought.

The next morning, Celeste woke Valtor early. She sounded serious, but the wizard thought her voice sound a bit amused, too: "Get up. They discovered the dead agents. It is swarming with soldiers of Domino. "

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