Escape from the City

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Valtor was just getting dressed when the owner of the inn knocked quickly on every door and yelled in the corridor that all his guests would be checked in order. The two siblings were neither lucky nor unlucky. No bad luck because they weren't part of the first rooms, and no luck because they weren't part of the back rooms and therefore had less time to think about an escape plan. While Valtor paced back and forth, his sister just sat smiling at the window. If necessary, thought the fire wizard, she would sacrifice him. He had to prevent that. Valtor shook his head and went over the options again. The soldiers weren't so stupid that they wouldn't see if someone had put on a mask. They could try to escape through the window, but the outside was full of soldiers. They would sound the alarm immediately. Going out the door was of course out of the question. It was really difficult.

"Are you finally finished?" Celeste asked, amused. Valtor stopped and looked at her angrily: "Do you realize how serious the situation is? We have to get out of here."

She got up slowly and sighed, played annoyed. Then she went to a corner and pointed up: "How about we take the ventilation duct this time, scaredy?"

It would be wrong to say that the fire wizard was not impressed. He wondered more if Celeste would really condescend to climb into the ventilation ducts.

With her magic she made a passage and immediately cast a spell on her brother, which shrunk him and set him down in the ventilation duct. Then she fished a mouse under the bed and let it grow to a monstrous size. Finally she followed Valtor.

The monstrous mouse made a noise. Her tail whipped around as she turned to explore her surroundings. The soldiers noticed the noise immediately and came running quickly. Celeste flipped and the mouse ran towards the soldiers.

The two siblings were no longer interested in how it ended. Valtor just wanted to get out of this situation, which could get him into trouble, and so he took the lead. Their way went straight ahead, up and down, left and right, until they finally got outside surprisingly quickly. They quickly noticed the excitement they had caused by the monster mouse. The soldiers patrolled everywhere because they suspected the two of them were everywhere. The only question was if they even knew who their opponent was. Celeste dared to doubt it. But she also should experience her surprise.

"What now?" Valtor asked, looking around. Before his sister could answer anything, a brown cat jumped in front of them and screamed. Her eyes flashed as she approached them. Only the soldiers paid no attention to it.

"You know what?" Valtor said because he suddenly had an idea, "Let's just stay small."

He gave the cat his sign; it squirmed and lay down in front of the small siblings. Valtor jumped on the cat and Celeste followed him. A mocking comment on her part could not be missing: "Wow, you actually become active."

Valtor steered the cat through the streets until they reached the edge of the village. They had met soldiers everywhere. Some even tried to scare the cat away, but no one noticed that there wasn't just one cat. When they had already left the village for a few minutes, they steered the cat over a bridge that spanned a river. There the travelers grew again and the magician took the spell off the cat, which immediately ran away. Then they could continue on their way.

Now it was only going up. They still had a day of hills ahead before the earth rose even further to the SilverMountains. A day when they absolutely had to get a head start on the soldiers dominos. But this time they couldn't hide in the shadows of a forest. There was only a main road ahead and a lot of tall grass. So it wasn't surprising that both of them soon had a strange feeling. Celeste only whispered what both were already thinking: "We are being followed."

Valtor nodded thoughtfully. Suddenly the witch stopped and turned around. Her brother did the same. Not far from them a man with a hat and sunglasses walked easygoing. He smiled like he was just enjoying the nice weather. But his smile turned into a grin. He stopped and shouted: "You have chosen a dangerous pavement, Grand Witch Celeste. What do you want on Domino?"

The witch growled and replied, "You don't have to care, Agent Juste. Go before you meet the same fate as your charges."

Valtor watched the man. He didn't change his face. He made the fire wizard even more uncomfortable than his sister did. He just couldn't tell yet what exactly was worrying him about this man.

Finally, Agent Juste took off his sunglasses and calmly put them in his jacket pocket. Then he laughed and replied, "They weren't my charges. They were only figures in my catch game with you, Grand Witch. Like all junior agents before them. I will go for now. But now that I know you're here, I won't leave you alone anymore. Whatever is your plan, I'll thwart it."

With that, he dashed forward and rammed his fist into Valtor's stomach. The wizard fell to his knees and gasped for air.

"You are not up to me," said the agent and shot another spell at Celeste, who could at least sidestepped, but was suddenly ripped from her feet when the spell hit the earth behind her like a bomb.

The agent laughed: "Good, then I can hand in my report." With these words he disappeared in a teleportation.

Celeste growled again: "That he's going on a mission again ... That makes things a little more complicated."

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