The Snow Serpents

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There were nicer ways to sleep at night. That's what Valtor thought when he woke up on the floor of the little cave for the fifth time that night. Alynn was using his feet as pillows again, because she had ceded her bed - a pile of leaves, grass, and hay - to Celeste. Probably because she wanted to leave a good mark.

Valtor stood up. He stepped cautiously out of the cave and looked at the village, which was illuminated by the slowly rising sun. Then the magician looked behind him. The mountain in front of them actually seemed to be made of silver, because even now it looked silver.

Valtor remembered the place where the ancestral witches' secret reserve of strength was supposed to be. In the heart of the silver crown. He needed to get an overview of the mountains so he could be sure where to go. Celeste agreed when her brother made his suggestion for breakfast. And so they set out to climb the mountain as quickly as possible.

Well, such an ascent doesn't take an hour or two. The three travelers spent the next two days climbing, hiking and looking for caves to sleep in. The first day was accompanied by a warm sun, the second by heavy rain, which, the higher they got, turned more and more into snow.

Celeste had conjured up a cloak to keep herself warm, while Valtor kept himself warm with his fire because Alynn had borrowed his coat - at least that's what she called it when she secretly removed the coat from the fire wizard on the first night on the mountain as he slept. On the second night on the mountain, however, Valtor got his coat back.

There were no incidents with Agent Juste on both days. The fire wizard had already joked that he was probably looking for his opponent on the other end of the planet. Celeste hadn't felt like laughing. All she had said was that Valtor shouldn't make fun of the groups luck.

Now the third day began on the mountain. The last bit of rain had turned to snow and because of the snow they could no longer see their hand in front of their eyes. The travelers had only sat under a ledge the previous night and Valtor's magic had been used to warm and protect them.

Now they needed a good plan for how to move forward. Alynn's plan to just sit out the blizzard was immediately rejected because they would be an easy target. Valtor's plan to simply walk around wearing a protective shield was rejected for the same reason. Valtor didn't get it. He thought that they'd have to move in order not to be an easy target, and the shield wouldn't have been seen through the snow anyway.

Just as Alynn made the next suggestion that they could just go to the next cave, something crashed into the ledge. Multiple times. Rock splintered off. Then a human-sized and even longer white snow snake appeared in front of them.

Valtor stood up quickly. "Your suggestion is not as stupid as I thought, Alynn. Snow snakes live in caves. It can take us there." The snake broke Valtor's shield that was around the ledge, and Celeste said with a hiss, "If we're not their breakfast. These beasts are smart."

Alynn didn't hear and cast a spell at the snake. This got in its mouth and crushed it. Then it snapped shut. The witch was just able to dodge before the snake caught her.

"We have to be more careful," Celeste said quietly, "Don't attack her or move. That just nettles it. We have to outsmart it somehow."

"Flatter it," Valtor joked, "snakes get along very well with each other."

His sister snorted: "I'll feed you to that beast if you don't shut up."

"How about this instead?" Valtor said, slowly putting his hand behind his back. With this he created a spell. A wall of fire rose behind the snake and the snow animal was briefly distracted. Celeste shot dark threads out of the ground, which instantly wrapped the snake around it. Together, the siblings kept attacking the animal until it acquiesced.

"You may," Celeste indicated to the animal with a grin and Valtor gave it his mark. The snake lay down in front of the fire wizard.

Alynn ran to it and fool around. Then she asked: "And now?"

Valtor jumped up on the beast and then said, "It will lead us to its cave." The two women followed him. The younger witch wrapped her arms around the magician while the great witch pulled the hood of her cloak low over her face. Valtor pulled his cloak tighter and gave the order to the snake to bring them to the next cave. For half an hour the noble animal snaked over ledges and past deep cracks until they finally reached a cave. But that didn't end their journey on the line.

Valtor lit a flame in his palm and they let themselves be carried on. It was going down - Far down. There wasn't a single turn, just this one way. After half an eternity, the passage opened into a round cave and the siblings realized that they had forgotten an important thing.

Snow snakes were rarely alone. Two huge snakes lay in front of them. In diameter 5 meters long, the length seemed infinite. Around them were many of their children, all of them as tall as the ones Valtor had bewitched. And hundreds of snake heads, as well as the parents, stretched their partly eyeless heads in the direction of the flame.

"What now?" Valtor asked quietly.

"There's only one thing to do," Celeste said and slowly and carefully got up. She stepped over Alynn and kicked Valtor so hard that he fell to the ground and had the animals' full attention.

Hundreds of snow snakes slowly approached as the Grand Witch took control of Valtor's snake and retreated to the edge of the cave

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Hundreds of snow snakes slowly approached as the Grand Witch took control of Valtor's snake and retreated to the edge of the cave. When she got there she shouted: "Remember who you are."

"Not helpful," Valtor growled, frantically pondering how to eliminate those snakes. He tried to activate all his knowledge of snow snakes. They only lived on Domino. They used to live all over the planet, but then the great dragon came and drove off the beastly creatures into the mountains. Suddenly it dawned on Valtor. Of course, that's what Celeste had meant. He had a part of the Dragon Flame.

He let the snakes go around him. They towered further and further in front of him. They clicked their tongues and the eyes of those who still had some looked hungrily at the small snack.

Valtor thought of Bloom. Anger rose in him. How many times had she used her oh-so-great-magic on him? But she didn't even know what she could do with her part of the magic. Valtor felt the hideous pulling of his skin and the stinging of his back as he transformed into the demon he was.

He was on fire when he thought of that brat and he spread the fire in the cave. The snakes, whose eyes were not yet wasted away, instantly withdrew. The blind tried to bite him, even snapping shut, but burned to death as they tried. The fire continued to spread and burn more snakes that weren't fast enough. After seeing several of their children burned, the parents spat out snowstorms, but couldn't harm Valtor. He imagined Bloom attacking him. His anger grew and a firestorm burned over the adult snow snakes.

When all the snakes were exterminated, Valtor sank to the ground. He took on his true form.

Celeste patted him on the shoulder: "Well done, flamelet."

Valtor was breathing heavily: "The dragon flame can do so much more than this little princess can recognize. I felt it. Even I could do so much ... more. "

Suddenly Valtor slumped and passed out on the floor.

"Alynn", Celeste commanded immediately, "See if you can find running water here. There has to be some. "

When the siblings were alone, the Grand Witch knelt next to her brother and whispered: "Give in to your anger. Unleash the true power of the dragon flame and become my pooch. Together we sit on the throne of all dimensions. "

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