A new Companion

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"Answer now!", Valtor shouted and grabbed his sister by the arm, because she kept ignoring him, "What's up with this guy?"

Celeste threw his arm away and hissed, "Nothing, damn it! Stop it, we have to move on."

The Grand Witch's mood had sunk noticeably. But Valtor did not let up. He really wanted to know who this agent was who attacked him. Of course, the wizard had already noticed that Celeste was taking him more seriously than the rest of her opponents, whom she usually treated like toys. Valtor snorted. Then he did something that made him want to slap himself in retrospect.

He lunged at his sister from behind, tore her to the floor and pressed her hands to the floor while he sat on top of her. Only slowly and with a hiss he said: "Now tell me who this agent is. I also need to know who our enemy is."

"Right now it is you," Celeste growled and let out a shock wave that catapulted Valtor backwards. The witch got up and brushed off the dirt. Then she grabbed Valtor's top and pulled him up to tell him, "Don't attack me again!" She let him fall back and continued on her way.

When Valtor got back to her, she only asked: "Isn't it enough information for you that he is an agent who is after me?" Valtor didn't answer. It wasn't enough for him at all, but now that he had been shown for the second time that morning how weak he seemed to be, he didn't feel like talking to anyone anymore.

He remained silent and just looked ahead. The first mountain of the SilverMountains rose majestically before them. Soon Valtor's anger evaporated and he wondered where the ancestral witches might have hidden their powers. But he also thought about possible pitfalls.

They walked all day and again Valtor felt this power that prevented them from teleporting to the mountains. It got stronger and stronger. In the afternoon they reached another village. There they only got something to eat, but didn't stay too long. The Grand Witch had decided it was better not to spend the night in the village. Again Valtor felt his sister tense at the thought of the agent. The only alternative was that they had to find a cave somewhere and someone had to keep watch.

When it was getting dark, they had already left the village behind them. They were looking for a shelter where they didn't have to climb too far. Both were very exhausted by now. Then they noticed smoke a few meters above them. They approached and actually noticed a small cave. When Celeste looked carefully, there was a young woman with short orange hair and torn clothes. She fried some small animal. Since she was in no way a danger, the witch simply walked in and her brother followed her. The woman immediately jumped up and let a magic ball appear in her hand. Then she asked suspiciously: "Who are you?"

"We need shelter for the night," Celeste replied and also lit a spell, "And you'd better give it to us."

"Wait," said Valtor, taking up his provisions bag, "Let us stay here the night and you'll get something better to eat than your squirrel."

Both women let their spells disappear and the young woman slowly approached. Valtor took out a piece of raw meat wrapped in paper and bread and showed it to the woman.

"You share with me?", She asked again and answered after Valtor's nod, "You should say that earlier. Sit down. But Blacky should behave."

Valtor passed the food to the woman and said, almost casually, "She's a little irritable. Sorry that we attacked you."

She took the food and sat by the fire and the siblings followed her. As the woman put the meat on an old grate, she said, "I'm Alynn. People tend to avoid me. And you? You don't exactly look like people who would condescend to someone like me. Are you wanted? Have you done something bad?"

"You could say that," replied the fire wizard, introducing himself, "My name is Valtor."

Alynn grinned, "Wow, I've got a celebrity in front of me. I live apart, but I've heard of you, servant of the ancestral witches. I actually despised those who destroyed my home planet, but through all the people who repel me and despise me, I wish that people like you would destroy Domino a second time."

"Look," said Celeste and had a piece of meat roasted on a stick over the fire because she didn't want to put her food on the dirty grate, "I seem to have misjudged you. You're a witch if I'm not mistaken?"

Alynn looked at the Grand Witch suspiciously: "What do you think, why I am rejected? Who are you anyway?"

"Celeste," she answered briefly.

Now the young woman did look surprised and only shortly afterwards found her language again: "The Grand Witch Celeste? The one who has multiple planets under her control? The one who seduces kings to get magical secrets? The one who defeated the legendary dragon Maelvious? The one who-"

"Yes, yes," said the Grand Witch, "Maelli is now my pet and only protects my home instead of the high-security prison in Magix."

Now Valtor was flabbergasted: "You have defeated Maelvious the cruel?"

Celeste just shrugged: "Actually I was looking for you, instead I accidentally only freed four wizards who wanted something on earth. But they disappeared pretty quickly. In any case, those scumbags were gone when the dragon appeared and tried to capture me instead of them. Then somehow I defeated him. But believe me, it was really close."

Valtor was impressed, but wondered why his sister had been looking for him for so long. Just because of the powers of the ancestral witches? No, this could not be. Valtor, who knew the adventures of the Winx through long hours of television, knew which wizards were meant and he knew that at that time the ancestral witches were still alive. So Celeste must have needed him for something else, but couldn't find him. And suddenly the wizard remembered that agent again. Should he be the reason, or was it a coincidence?

Celeste suddenly stood up: "I have a strange feeling. Valtor, we should take cover." Without another word, she turned him into a bat and herself into a crow. The two flew as close to the back wall as possible. It didn't take long, until three men appeared in front of the cave entrance. Agent Juste stood in their midst. He pointed his weapon - a sword like the one the specialists had - at Alynn and growled, "Did a witch and a wizard come by here?" We are looking for two felons. "

Alynn nibbled at her meat: "It depends. I'm a witch. If you or your companions are wizards, I can answer your question with a yes. If not, then you should keep looking."

"Not so cheeky," growled the agent of the magic council, "What's your name and where do you live?" Alynn looked around the cave. "Apparently here. My parents called me Alynn, but my friends don't call me. I don't have any here."

"Hey, boss," said the one man to the left of the agent, "She seems crazy. We better leave. Maybe domino soldiers have better luck in the village."

The agent nodded and looked at Alynn again. "I'm sure you're right. She already looks so neglected."

With these words they left and the witch called them a happy 'goodbye'. When they were gone, she put on an annoyed expression: "Why does everyone think I'm crazy? But at least I can keep them off my neck if I play along."

"Thanks," said Valtor when Celeste had turned him back, "But why did you cover us?"

"As I said," replied the young woman, "I want to see the planet lying in ruins."

Celeste grinned and finally asked, "Then why don't you just come with us. We're looking for a source of dark magic."

Valtor looked at his sister suspiciously. He was sure that she only wanted to use the witch as bait. But Alynn wasn't thinking that far. She replied excited: "Oh yes."

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