19- Break the Rules

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Alice's POV

        I made my way through the darkness as I slipped on a pair of flats, my heartbeat in my throat. I shuffled past the dark walls as i exited my room, my phone the only light to guide me as I made we way past my parents' room. I cautiously tiptoed past the sleeping Aunt Bea snoring on the couch and swung open the front door to reveal Asa's silhoette.

        "What the hell are you doing at my door so late?" I asked in a loud whipster, silently closing the front door behind me.

        "We only have about 30 hours left before you leave, and we can't waste eight of those precious hours asleep, Alice," Asa exclaimed, his blue eyes twinking in the dim porch light.

        "Well, what do you suggest that we do at two in the morning?" I asked playfully, crossing my arms. Out of nowhere, Asa pulled out a handback, revealing a pair of sparklers as well as some other junk. I looked up at him and he just grinned.

        "Well, I planned out a couple activites for us to do in our last hours together. You know how in movies the people light up the beach with sparklers?"

        "It's a classic rom-com moment, yes."

        "Well, how about we give it a shot?" Asa asked, handing me a sparkler. As much as I would rather crawl back up into a ball and go sleep, I knew that this was my last opportunity to have a good time before flying back to Detroit.

        "Fine, but I have to be back home before ny parents wake up,"

        With that, Asa grabbed my arm and yanked me down the stairs as we broke into a sprint. As I continued to run side by side with Asa through the night, the sleepiness floating around me began to disappear. Adreneline soon filled my veins as the beach came into view.

        Soon, Asa and I collapsed on the soft sand of the beach and lit our sparklers with ease. With my phone in one hand and my sparkler in another, I felt an overwhelming peace wash over me. After all the catostrophic events that had occured this week, now was my chance to relax and have a good time.

        Asa and I whirled our sparklers in the air as we captured the moment with pictures on my phone. I took some photos with Asa as well- I wanted to be able to look back on the memories I had in California. Before I knew it, minutes turned into hours and soon, five o'clock had rolled around. Asa and I layed on the sand with our dyling sparklers sat aside. As tired as I was, I did not want to miss a single moment of this tranquilty.

        "You know, I have to be back soon." I said, breaking the silence. Even though I would like too, we can't stay here forever."

        "I know," Asa sighed, getting to his feet. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up as I took a long look at the calming waves washing up on the white sand. The sun was just starting to rise over the horizon, creating a picturesque scene.

        "Do you want to go now?" Asa brushed past my shoulder, tucking the sparklers away in his bag. "If we wait any longer people might start to show up, and they don't exactly like to see two rattled teenagers in pajamas,"

        We made our way down the block in silence, the aura of excitement fading away. It was already five thirty by the time we had made it onto my block. Aunt Bea's beach house came into view and my heart sank.

        "Asa, I had a really nice time tonight," I exclaimed, stepping onto the porch. "I wish all of our timr together could've been that fun,"

        "It's alright, thingd happen," Asa replied, a forced smile on his face. "Get some rest, and maybe we can meet up once more before you leave. I want to properly say goodbye, and right now I just can't bear to do it."

        "Me either," I admitted, heaving a heavy sigh. Asa longingly waved goodbye and started off down the block. I watched with melancholy as his figure became smaller and smaller as he moved further away. Finally, when I could no longer see him off in the distance, I turned towards the front door.

        With tired hands, I turned the doorknob and pushed it open to reveal the angry face of my mother standing in the doorway.

A/N: I'm so sorry this chapter was short, but an update is coming soon! Tysm for 9k reads, and please vote if you enjoyed! :)


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