Chapter 1...

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Song of the chapter: cigarette daydream - cage the elephant
(TW suicide and mention of mental home)

First day of a new school and I have to drive there in the rain, great.
I don't really even know the directions properly because I wasn't paying attention to my auntie Jenny when she relayed them to me.

I should probably start listening to her though, seeing as I live with her now, well since last Saturday and the foreseeable future. That's what happens when your mum gets locked up in a loony bin and your father kills himself. Thanks mum and dad.

The drive to school isn't to long and would've been shorter if I didn't take a wrong turn once or twice but when I make it to the big gate that says 'Deer Vally school' I know I've made it. I enter the gate and find a parking spot, then I grab my bag. "Eve it's gonna be okay, just make it through the day." Then I take a deep breath, open the door and take my first step into my new surrounding. I can't believe I just talked to myself. I smooth out my skirt and make my way to my first class earning stares and whispers from almost everyone and a few smiles from a handful of boys and girls I pass by.
When I make it to the door of my math class I'm a few minutes late and that means everyone will be watching me enter the room. So I better strut my shit. I knock on the door and enter when I hear a mans raspy voice yell "You're late, come in"
"Uhm hi, I'm Eve Michaels, I'm new here sorry I'm late I got a little lost getting here" I say with a smile hoping he'll let me off as it's my first day, and I'm pleased when he returns a warm smile "oh that's fine sweety, I'm Mr. Adams and let me introduce you to the rest of the class"
He claps three times and then proceeds to talk when everybody's looking at us standing at the front of the room. "Everybody this is Eve Michaels, she will be joining us today at Deer Vally and I need someone to offer her a seat please?" Two girls sitting side by side raise their hand and a boy in the corner whistles loudly getting everyone's attention "I'll happily let blondie sit next to me, or on me anytime she wants" he says with a wink and I can't help but laugh and blush a little. I mean who wouldn't, he is quite attractive with his black hair and rosy cheeks. But his smile fades when the brown haired boy sitting next to him, who to my surprise is even more attractive than he is slaps him in the side and mutters something which earns a reply of "Shutup Eden".

"No thank you Luke. I think she'd much prefer sitting with Anna and Gracie" Mr. Adams points towards the two girls who have already made a space between them for me to sit as I make my way over to their table.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you guys" I look back and fourth between the girl on my left and the girl on my right until suddenly the girl on my left with hazel eyes and short brown hair introduces herself  "Hi my name's Gracie and that's Anna" she says with a smile gesturing toward the girl on my other side with the long black hair and pretty blue eyes. "Yeah hi, that's me" she giggles and I can tell I'm going to get along with these sweet souls instantly.

Anna then carries on "Oh and ignore that hot shot back there" nodding her head towards to the boy I learned was called Luke "Thats Luke Riley, cocky but no danger as long as you don't get your heart involved. And that boy besides him is Eden Harris. He, on the other hand.."
I can't help but want to know more "Really? Dangerous? How is he dangerous? He's practically a puppy with tattoos" I laugh and I'm glad when my two new friends join in, until we're interrupted by a deep voice from over in the corner "A puppy with tattoos you say Evie?" I turn around to see Eden waiting for a reply which I give sternly "My name is Eve."
He only smirks and shrugs looking off to his side and continuing his conversation with Luke.

I turn back to Anna and Gracie and ask "Yes, so how is that asshole dangerous?" 
"Wow you must really dislike being called Evie"  I glance at Gracie and back to my balled fists and try to laugh it off but she's right. I loath being called Evie, not that I explain why.

"Look, Eden is Eden, he fights whoever breathes the wrong way and keeps everything he can to himself. I mean, Anna and I have been going to school with him since we were five and all we know is his name and that he's doesn't care about anything or anyone."  Oh. At least he has his good looks in his favour I guess. Then my thoughts are cut off when a bell rings signalling the end of first period. I check with A and G which classes they have today and it turns out they're in all of mine except two so it looks like I'll be doing English and Art by myself.

After being assigned my seat in English Mrs.Logan explains our main project for the year which is to write a poem or small text about a past experience, future goal or a present event and that we have until the end of the school year to perfect it and hand it in. Sounds fun, although not to hard so I'm not sure why we have the whole year to complete it.

Then I'm off to art. As I enter the large room a wave of cool air runs through me and I notice one of the windows is wide open, the window I've just been sent to sit next to.

I make my way over to my seat and start to shut it when it gets jammed. Well done Eve. I tug on the handle again and just as I'm about yank it - a muscular arm reaches over my shoulder and places their rough hand over mine, pulling the window shut with on try. I whip my head round only to be greeted with a familiar "Hello Evie, you're my project partner and I'd prefer if we did it sitting down and not with you ripping windows off the walls" although he says it with a laugh, it's a cold laugh, a distant laugh. "I told you, my name's Eve." He looks at me belittling me with his gorgeous green eyes "Well I want to call you Evie"
"Well that's not my name and I don't want you to call me that again"  he only replies with a drawn out  "Okay, well take a seat Eveee" gosh he makes my blood boil and I've only known him for five minutes. I huff and sink into my seat.
This is going to be a longgg day.

Not long after my angry seat taking a boy with blonde floppy hair comes round to our table to hand out paints and paintbrushes. "Hi, my name's Oakley, I - um you- uh are new here right?"  I offer him a genuine smile "Yeah, I joined today sweet" he's quick to return my smile and places paints on the table alongside the other equipment
"Oh yeah I thought so, it was nice meeting you but I better get back to my own project partner now" he walks away leaving his bubbly giggles in the air. He's probably the most adorable person here.

"Sweet?"  I look up at Eden who is looking back with a facial expression I can't tell is confusion or disgust
"You called him 'sweet' what the fuck was that?"  He knits his thick eyebrows together and I can tell he's really waiting for a response. I laugh "Yeah? I call everyone things like that"  he laughs back only his is different from mine, his laugh is judging "That's a bit hypocritical. Coming from someone who doesn't allow others to use nicknames on her"
Breath Eve "I allow nicknames just not Evie. So shutup and don't talk to me if you can't respect that."  The words come out a little louder than I intended but luckily not loud enough for everyone to stare.
"Jheez, calm down sweetheart."
"Don't get your knickers in a twist"
I look up slowly and smile "Bold of you to assume I even have knickers on"   He freezes with surprise, I wink and with that I stand up bag in hand and leave just as the bell rings.

xx Hey lovely's that was the first chapter, only a short one to get you started but the rest will be longer. Leave feedback and tell me what you think of the characters so farrr :) talk to you soon xx

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