Chapter 7...

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Song of the chapter: Be kind - Marshmallow & Halsey


Monday rolls around again and another week passes. Eden drops me home every day from school, stopping to take me for food on the way, with Luke picking me up in the mornings due to my car being in shop for a few repairs.
Today Eden is picking me up as Luke isn't in for the morning.

I decide to put a thin baby blue dress on and keep my hair down.
Three short knocks at my door and I'm rushing down stairs to see my man.
"Hello handsome"
"Hello gorgeous"
He reaches through my door grabbing my keys from there normal hanging place and locks it for me when I'm outside.
I reach for the door handle when I notice something has changed. The windows aren't tinted anymore. "Eden why are your windows different" he reaches the door before me and opens it "Get in and I'll tell you" I hop in without asking anything else. Once Eden is inside the car I look to him for answers. "Well, it's nothing big, I just noticed you look out the windows a lot and it's a better view if they aren't tinted so" He noticed that? Sometimes I think this boy can read my mind. "You did that just because I like looking out the window?" It's sweet really and I'm touched by it. "Yeah."
"It is a better view, thank you" I can tell he's trying to act nonchalant but the upturned corners of his mouth give away the happiness he holds for my appreciation.

We drive through the school gates and
pull up to the art block, two boys covered in tattoos dressed in black jeans and leather jackets stand outside talking quietly to a girl in dark tights, a black skirt and her own cropped jacket. I don't recognise any of them, strangely they seem to recognise me. Or Eden? I'm not quite sure until Eden speaks up "Evie go inside, I'll be in soon" I frown asking for more information which he doesn't give, so I ask "Why? Who are they?" His jaw starts to clench and I don't want to start an argument but, there shouldn't even be an argument, he should just tell me. "Eden?"
"Look Evie just go inside, walk past them, don't look or speak to them okay?" I nod slowly hearing the harsh tone he speaks to me in, maybe that's his girlfriend? She is beautiful...I wouldn't blame her if he fell for her. It wouldn't be her fault.
She has shiny black hair that reaches just below her shoulders, piercing grey eyes and plump red lips. I open the door and slam it behind me, heading to the art building with my head down letting my long hair cover my face slightly.

"Where are you going beautiful?"
I look up to see the tall brown haired boy smirking at me, it sends shivers down my spine, he scares me. I smile back politely and keep walking but the slightly shorter yet still very tall and masculine black haired boy who I assume is the girls brother as they have scarily similar features making him very handsome, steps out in front of me making me stop. "Hey we asked you a question, we're not going to hurt you darling, ignore what Eden said about us" he spits out at me and I stand still remembering what Eden told me, don't speak to them. "My name's Addie, this is my sister Alice and this dickhead is Johnny" he says crudely turning me around and putting his arm around me. I look up to see Eden already walking to him "Addie get your fucking arm off her" I feel him chuckle coldly from beside me and move toward Eden's side.

"Edennn, there you areee, we've been looking for you, but first please, introduce your new slut" my eyes blaze with anger and I can't help but stand up for myself "I am not his slut asshole."
But Johnny just laughs at me making me feel stupid. "Evie go inside now"
"Ooo! That's not how you speak to a lady Eden" Alice laughs back at him.
"Look. Evie just fuck off I don't want you here okay? I don't want you at all. Leave" I look up to the boy I was expecting to stick up for me with hurt pulsing through me. What the fuck. Does he think just because there's other people here I won't talk back to him? Because he is so wrong. "Excuse me?"
"You heard what I said." He glares back at me with no emotion. "Oh really? Because thats not what you said last week. Or did you think you could talk to me like shit in front of your friends huh?" I glare back. Johnny and Addie stare at Eden with fake shock, like they thought I wouldn't talk back to almighty Eden. God they're so stupid.

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