Chapter 2...

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Song of the chapter: see you again - Miley Cyrus


I start making my way over to G and A who are standing in the food line when I'm stopped by a tall figure in front of me, "Hey blondie, I was thinking you should sit with me and my friend Eden for lunch"
I look up at to see Luke looking down at me with a smile then take a look in the direction he pointed in to see Eden sitting at a table in the corner with one headphone in his ear.

"Oh, um I was going to sit with my friends Gracie and Anna but thanks for asking Luke" pointing to them staring at us from the line I go to move but he only laughs and steps in front of me again "They can come too. Nice to know you remembered my name Eve" and with that little smile of his he's walking back to his table.

"What was that all about?!" Gracie eyes Eden's table and looks at me for answers. Funny I called it Eden's table and not Luke's..shaking the thought I reply "Oh, Luke wants us to sit with him and Eden for lunch that's all" I shrug my shoulders as not to make a big deal of it but it doesn't work when Anna grabs my arm "What?! No, we can't. They won't like me and I'll be left out. And they're scary, and-an- and Luke"
I know exactly what's wrong with Anna and give Gracie a raised eyebrow who nods back with a smile.

I whisper to Anna "You Anna, have got butterflies haven't you? You like Luke admit it, it's okay" she looks at me from under her lashes and very quietly whispers a shy "yes.."

"Well come on then, this is your chance" we grab our food and walk over to Eden's table and to my surprise he removes his feet from the chair beside him and pulls it out for me, although I can see he makes no big deal of it I'm kind of touched by his small gesture and take the seat besides him.
"Hey guys, this is Gracie and this is Anna" I say and see Luke's eyes drink Anna in.
"Well hellooo Anna, you, pretty lady can sit next to me" he says with a smile and pulls out the chair next to his. I see Anna blush and sit down nervously which makes my heart jump for her.
"And Gracie you're not so bad yourself" Gracie takes the sit on the other side of Anna and across from me "Ew. I have a boyfriend thank you very much."
I look to across the table "You do? I didn't know that, what's his name Gracie?" She smiles and it's amazing to see how she lights up when she talks about him "His name is Oakley"
"Oh no way, I met him this morning, aww you two really suite each other"
"Thank you Eve, it means a lot"
Then I hear hear Luke interrupt with a gentle cough. "Yeah yeah really cute and stuff. Anyways, Eve? What brings you here?"
I feel everyone's eyes on me and have an internal debate with myself on wether or not to lie, but I decide to come clean. Well, clean with as few details as possible.

"Well father died and my mums not in the picture."
Suddenly I can feel Edens eyes on me and I know he's going to ask me- "How did he die Eve?"
I look at him trying to find the words but, I can't "It doesn't matter he's not here now so" my words are laced with heartbreak but my half laugh is what makes their eyes heavy on me. He continues "Where's your mother?" I turn to him pleading with my eyes for him not make me answer and I'm so glad when he doesn't. "Actually Luke what were you saying about that thing in your science class?"
But still, everyone's looking at me. Gracie and Anna say how sorry they are for my loss and I sit silently, trying not to crack. They don't know what my parents were like when they were around, they don't understand I'm better now they're gone.

Luke starts to reply to Eden "Oh yeah, basically we were studying frog reproduction and one of the frogs escaped and was jumping around scaring all the girls, who, obviously ran to me for protection" he chuckles away and I join in before he looks back at me "Wait so Eve who are you living with now then?" I thought we'd got off the topic of me but unfortunately not.
"Oh I live with my aunt Jenny now, she's okay I guess. She's there for support but she knows I  can look after myself"  I shrug.
Of course I can look after myself, I practically raised myself.

Before Luke or anyone can respond I'm saved by the bell and everyone says bye and starts heading to their last lesson, but just as I go to leave I feel a hand grab my arm, gently but with strong force. "Eve wait for me"
I look for the source of this delay on my leaving of the canteen and see Eden walk up beside me. "Look, uhm, tomorrow before school, I'm picking you up and I wanna take you somewhere. To show you something."
I look at him and stop dead in my tracks "W-What?"-  
"No! No nothing like that, I just wanna show you something personal to me. I'll give you a lift home to of course"
I can't believe what I'm hearing, he almost sounds as if he's being...genuine?
"Look, can I pick you up or not? I won't ask again"
There we go, back to the Eden I know him as. "First of all you didn't ask me in the first place. You told me you were going to. And second of all, yes you can. I'm 24  St.clemens avenue"
He looks at me with an almost smile painted on his face "Good. See you in the morning beautiful"

Before I can dwell on the fact that he just called me beautiful, which is true but still nice of him to say, he's turned the corner and I'm on my way to PE. 

After that long game of football which of course my team won, I head to my car, once I'm inside I turn on my radio, which is playing Miley Cyrus's 'See you again' and it oddly reminds me of the little bit of excitement I'm feeling for seeing Eden tomorrow morning.
I start to sing along "And I can't wait to see you again... coz last time I freaked out, I just kept looking down. I st-st-stutter when you ask me what I'm thinking bout"- "AH"

Holy shit! I almost had a heart attack! I pause my music and roll my passenger side window down.
"EDEN! What the fuck are you doing running infront of my car! I could've killed you! Are you crazy?"

But he only laughs like it's the funniest thing he's ever heard. He opens the door and jumps in shutting it behind him and before I can say anything I'm getting beeped at, I look behind me to see I've made a huge line of cars waiting to get out of the school gate. I put my car in gear and drive around the corner from the school and park in a secluded area near a beautiful pink blossom tree. I turn to Eden who is still gasping for breath from all the laughing he's just done. 
"You should've of seen your facee, it was hilarious! Anyways I just wanted to know what song you were singing along to?"
This boy will be the death of me.
"Let me get this straight Eden. You jumped in front of a moving vehicle, just to know what song I was listening to?"
What on gods green earth-
"Hmm not what I said, I said to know what song you were singinggg to. So what was it?"
I smirk at him "I'll tell you"
"Go on then" -
"Yeah. If you tell me what song you were listening to in the canteen"
What? That's not fair.
"Okay. Don't think I'm telling you mine then, now get out my car"
"Goodbye Eden"

xx hiya guys I'm back with chapter 2. What'd you think?:)
I think Luke and Anna would be so cute though right? And Eden and Eve..well we'll have to wait and see! Bye for now babies xx

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