Chapter 5...

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Song of the chapter: Beautiful soul - Jesse McCartney


I decide I'll sleep in as it's the weekend and I don't have any plans.
I lay in bed looking at the ceiling and thinking about the past few weeks. It's been two weeks since Eden and I decided we would give it a try at being friends and since then we haven't had any disagreements, just pure banter and flirtatious bickering, and although that's fun and it's nice to have a good friend when Luke and Anna are somewhere doing god knows what and Gracie is with Oakley in the science lab.
I still don't really know anything about him. I know his favourite colour is green, his shoe size (seven) Along with bits and pieces of his daily life,but I wish I had a deeper understanding of who Eden Harris really is.

Then my phone buzzes on my little coffee table in the corner of my room making me groan as I get out of my comfy bed nest I had made. I look outside the window absorbing the heat through the glass that separates us.

Just as I'm wishing for a reason to go outside I'm given one. My phone shows a text from an unknown number 'Morning sunshine. I'm picking you up in a hour and we're going shopping so be ready - Eden'
I have roughly forty minutes left to get dressed. 'Don't stand me up and don't be late - Eve x' Send.

After washing my face and putting my hair in a claw clip I do my makeup and choose my outfit for the day. A cute siege green sundress, cropped white cardigan and white sneakers.
I have ten minutes left so I pack my bag with money, a lipstick, perfume and few other necessities.

Then I hear a knock on the door and hop downstairs bag in hand.

I twist the door handle revealing a dashing Eden wearing a plain black tee and blue denim jeans. Wow he's hot.
"You said don't be late, so I'm early, don't blame me if your not ready" I grab my keys from the rack next to the door in case my aunt Jenny's out when I get home "I'm ready."
I shut the door and start jumping down the stairs two by two earning a laugh from behind me.
"What are you laughing at?"
He follows me down the stairs answering me "You really are childish"
"Am not"
"Yes you are"
"No I'm not."
We enter the car at the same time and he gives me a smile.
"You know Eden? This will be my first time shopping in this new town"
Starting the car and pulling out from my road he takes us onto a bigger, busier one. "Mhm, yeah I know, that's why I'm taking you"
Why? I'm sure Gracie and Anna would've taken me sooner or later. It's nice of him to do so himself though...I guess.
"You do like shopping right? Because if not then we can do something else" Seeing his nervous wait for my answer I decide not to tease him with it. "Yesss! It's only my second favourite thing. It comes after myself obviously" I flick my nails and blow on them with sarcasm whilst he laughs away to himself at what I just told him.

I watch out of the window and hum along to the radio until He takes a left towards a cluster of buildings with lots of different brand names on every single one. Then he parks in the spot closest to an entrance and comes round to open my door for me, just like last time.
"Thank you" I say and hop out into the sun. "So Evie, what shop are we going in first? Because there's only a few plus size shops here" he thinks he's soo funny doesn't he? "Oh, that narrows down your options then doesn't it" I smile back innocently as he rolls his eyes.

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