Chapter 6...

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Song of the chapter: Don't know her name - Emblem3


Monday morning makes it hard for me to get out of bed, wash, dress and make myself presentable, but once I'm ready I clamber into my car. I make it to school five minutes early so I don't bother rushing to my first class, just strolling along in my own world, until my world is broken by my clumsiness.
"Oh shit. I'm so sorry I didn't mean to"-  I'm cut off by the dirty blonde boy standing in from me.
"It's fine, I might complain if I didn't find you so attractive"  I laugh up at him and he returns it a little louder. "My name's Callum Denis, and you are?"
I'm tempted to stay and engage in this new found interaction but sadly I have to get to class so I reply quickly
"Going to be late, sorry"
I walk around him and towards the art building hearing a "Ill see you around mystery woman"  from where I left him standing.
I can't say I'd be mad if I did see him again.

I walk into my art class and see Eden sitting at our table focusing on his painting. It's an enchanting site that I wish I could observe just a little bit longer before taking my seat.

Sitting down and eyeing what it is that's got his attention I see yet another painting of the ocean, but this one is different from the rest. It's sad. The grey clouds covering the sun and the dark water tells me something is upsetting the boy beside me.

"Hello lover boy, how are you this morning?" He shrugs his shoulders not speaking, just making an incoherent grunt. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." He snaps back at me, and here I was thinking we had made progress with his bad moods.
"Okay. I was just trying to be nice." I cough back and grab a paintbrush from the jar standing in the middle of our table. The rest of the lesson is spent with us both acting as if the other isn't there, and it's torture. Although I don't like how he spoke to me, it still worries me to think that something has angered or upset him. Towards the end of the hour my painting is long finished and Eden is still adding minor detailing to his, I sit and watch him for a few minutes when I see a recognisable blonde walk past the doorway. Callum.

Maintaining eye contact, he smiles and stops, proceeding to enter the room he walks straight over to me ignoring stares from other students. "Looks like I found my mystery woman, I think that means I get to name you now?"  I shrug up at him and he laughs. "You can call me Eve"   in the corner of my eye I could swear I see Eden roll his eyes, but seeing as he wants to ignore me today I don't bother to show my interest in the small expression. "Well Eve, I was wondering if you'd want to come out with me tomorrow night, for drinks?"  A date? I think  he's asking me on a date  "I don't do alcohol sorry"  
"And you don't have to, juice is always an option" I bite my lip considering the offer and decide it can't hurt. "Hmm okay you've persuaded m"-
"She's busy." What the hell. Now he wants to join in on conversations?
I turn to him slightly but he doesn't acknowledge me, however he keeps cold eyes on Callum who doesn't falter with his reply "I think she can make up her own mind Harris."
Yes I can. At least one boy knows I'm old enough to make my own decisions "She doesn't need to, I've made it up for her. She's not going."
I've always liked a possessive man but in this situation Eden has no right.
"Yes I am. I'll see you tomorrow Callum" I smile dismissively and he winks back at me leaving cool air behind him as he walks out the door.

I don't look back at Eden who's sitting staring at me with a clenched jaw, as I do a leavers walk of my own.

Three classes later and it's time for lunch. I head down the empty corridor towards the busy canteen but I'm stopped when I'm suddenly pinned against the wall. "What the fuck!"  My eyes focus to see Callum grinning devilishly near my face. His cold hand slithers around my waist, the other around my throat "You know Eve, I was going to wait until tomorrow night to do this, but I decided why wait and ask when I can just take, now" What the hell, fucking weirdo. I always say you can't trust blonde boys, I'm never wrong.
"What the fuck! Get off me you piece of shit!" I push his chest but it's no use, I'm tiny against his large frame and before I can try again he's on me. Lips against my neck with cold wet kisses, it hurts. It's more of a biting sensation, ripping at my skin, I feel helpless with insufficient pushes to his chest. It is then that my assaulter is thrown against the lockers across the hall.
My hand rushes to my sore neck and a solo tear scrapes down my cheek.

It's Eden. "She said get the fuck off her!"  He yells at the coward who's now falling to the floor but before he can reach it Eden's hand grabs his collar lifting him up with no strain. He pulls his fist back and after that everything's a blur.

Punch after punch blood leaks out from Callum's now bruising face. He recites apologies but it's merely a whisper in the background of the bustling crowd that's now forming around us.
"You think it's okay to take what you can't have Callum! And it's not!" Another punch, this time letting him fall to floor only to replace punches with kicks "You shouldn't treat girls like that!
Especially my girl!"  I try to comprehend the fact that he just called me his girl, in front of the whole school who is now watching and throwing in  'ooos' and 'ouches'  between each kick but the pain on my neck is too distracting.

Then I see Luke making his way through the crowd and towards my boy. His strong arms grab Eden and pin him still against a wall "Eden! Calm down. She's fine. She's okay, look" gesturing towards me I hold eye contact with a heaving Eden.
His eyes melt when they reach me, only to ice over again when he sees my hand caressing my neck. "She's not fucking fine Luke, he hurt her!"  Eden pushes Luke out of his way and heads towards me, gently removing my hand from my neck and replacing it with his own, he pulls me to his chest and it feels like heaven compared to the hell that pressed against me before.

He whispers to me "it's okay Evie. I'm here now" and my arms wrap around him tightly in response.

The crowd has broken off in different directions leaving just Luke, Eden and I standing in the now quiet hall, still in each others arms. Luke's the first to break the silence "Are you okay Eve?" I loosen my grip on Eden but he keeps the same hold on me, only letting me turn around to face Luke. "Uh, yeah, I'll be fine, thank you" he nods slowly "okay, I'll leave you two alone for a bit" he walks down the hall towards Anna and Gracie who are watching from our table in the canteen.

I turn back to Eden who stares at me with sad eyes, but before I can thank him, he collides his mouth to mine with burning emotion seeping through his soft lips. I kiss him back without hesitation and feel the weight of two worlds lift from my shoulders. It feels right, so right. It's the first puzzle piece to fit into my life without force and my heart drums melodies throughout my body because of it.

When we break apart he looks deep into my eyes with his, and they aren't sad eyes anymore, they're lustful eyes. "Evie I'm sorry. I'm going to tell you everything I've kept from the world I promise, all I ask is that you do the same" I stare back at him looking for a sign of doubt or falseness, but I find none. All I see is purity.
"I promise you Eden, I will"
A smile playing on his lips he speaks again "I swear I'll give you all of me, good and bad...if you'll have me?" I reflect his smile and that's all it takes for him to kiss me again, this time holding my face inside his hands, and although his blooded knuckles surround me, they don't scare me, they're my barrier of protection against the world around us.

He comes to a stop, placing one last kiss on my head. I feel like I'm falling, simply falling for him or free falling because of him I'm not quite sure, but I don't care because I know, I'm willing to let this boy be the death of me.

xx Aaahh!! Their first KISS! Awwwww!! Cuties, I wish I was Eve lol🥲 anyways bye bye xx

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