Chapter 4

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"Who the hell was he?" Chocho said, as they walked through ANBU headquarters.

Sarada sighed, swinging her heels in one hand and clutching the hard drive in the other, "Don't know, never seen him before, but I've heard of him... Well, his name at least."

Sumire ran a hand through her lilac hair, "What was it?"

They approached big doors, waltzing in.

A big chair was facing the wall made of windows, looking out into the city.

"Mission report."

"Package secured," Sarada set her heels down as she flopped on a chair in front of the big marble desk.

The chair turned around, "Well, not the briefcase, but I'm gonna assume that this," Sarada waved the harddrive, placing it on the table, "is more important."

Tsunade let out a boisterous laugh, "Good job team," She took the harddrive and plugged it into the power source connected to her desk, "Did it go quietly?"

Chocho, Sarada, and Sumire, and looked at each other.



Sumire and Chocho said quickly, nodding their heads. Sarada rested her chin on her hand. An image came up on the hologram. Tsunade swiped to the side, projecting the image to the side of the room.

"How did you know this blueprint was gonna be at the gala?" Sumire asked, picking out dirt from the fluff of her dress.

Tsunade swiped to show images of ANBU agents at a coffee shop.

"Is that..." Chocho squinted, "Is that Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon?"

Tsunade snorted, "Yeah, two Kara agents made the mistake of discussing their business in a damn coffee shop."

She swiped again, showing the actual contents of the harddrive.

"What the hell?..." Sarada said, staring at what seemed to be a-

"Nuke." Sumire said, looking up in awe. She stood up, slowly walking towards the image as if it were going to come alive and harm her.

"That's a nuke. A very big one.."

" looks so small!" Chocho said.

Sumire zoomed in on some parts of the blueprint, "Tch yeah, but with today's new technology, we could make the tiniest of things to the worst damage..."

She clicked on certain parts of the image, "All of these parts...They're extremely expensive to say the least....Rare too,"

Tsunade sighed, "Well, that explains the previous heists from all of those banks."

"This." Sumire clicked on one single piece, what looked like a motherboard, "This can only be found in one place. You can't buy it anywhere. This...This russian guy, he produces one of these each year."

"Well do you know where he's gonna be next?"

She groaned, "A convention. In the Land of Water. Kirigakure."

"And how do you know he'll be there?"

"'Cuz. I've been to a convention or two." Chocho raised an eyebrow, to which Sumire just shrugged her shoulder, "What? Every tech geek goes. He's always there. Trust me."

"When is it?"

"Next week."

Tsunade stood, "Then it's settled," Sumire squealed, "But, you guys are infiltrating. We can't cause too big of a scene. If there are... tech geeks there, then who knows what would happen if any of them found out about all of this."

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