Chapter 5

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Sarada's black suede boot heels clicked against the hard floor of the convention room. Her knives hid in between her beige turtleneck and matching light brown teddy jacket. Her handgun was nudged in her waistline, hidden by her designer Gucci belt. She nudged the tiny device in the pocket of her mom's jeans, as she stopped.

Chocho walked in behind her, huffing. Her loose crew neck that laid over her collared top gave enough room for her to sneak two guns in, stuffing them in between the waistline of her skirt. She made sure to wear boots too, even though they weren't there to fight, she was always prepared.

Sumire stalked in behind them, stopping on the other side of Sarada. Her plaid pants were patterned enough for her to hide her own firearm. Her loose beige Tommy Hilfiger sweater just helped the fact. She nudged the scrunchie on her wrist, revealing the ANBU bracelet. She swiped left, "Guys, he's definitely here. He always arrives to these things super early,"

"Oh yeah, and we're early. We barely even had breakfast." Chocho whined.

Sarada tapped her glasses, beckoning for little images to come up. "Scan for a..."

"...Eriki Kaminarimon." Sumire finished.

Sarada repeated the command for her automated glasses, "Scan for a Eriki Kaminarimon."

"Okay, let's split up. Remember, we're not here to cause a fight."

The team split up, heading their separate ways within the convention room. They've been sent on plenty of infiltration and undercover missions, they knew the drill. They cautioned themselves.

"We're definitely not the only organization here." Sumire said, pretending to be interested in the basic computer tech laid out across the tables.

Chocho laughed, looking out from the second floor balcony onto the main floor, "Yeah, but luckily, we look just enough geek chic to stand in."

"I did not just hear you say geek chic." Sarada snorted, walking around her own part of the convention.

Sumire laughed, "I will admit though, I might keep this outfit."

"I did pick it out especially. I know how reserved you like to be, so I simplyyy.. Incorporated it. Plus, it makes room for"

Sarada chuckled at her teammates' talks. Chocho was a part of their uniform directory apartments. She's part of the reason why she had survived so many scratches and slices. Not to mention, with the help of Sumire's developments on microtechs added into their uniforms, even the most skimpy of clothes were mission-inclined.

Sarada continued to look around the room, letting her glasses scan whoever she was in the proximity of.

"Where the hell is this dude? I swear I've walked around this whole place like-"

"Guys," Chocho interrupted, "Guess who's here."

"What?" Sarada said, looking around more frantically. Her glasses caught on a red scan.

Eriki Kaminarimon detected.

Around the red scan was....

You're shitting me right?

Boruto was roughly shoving Kaminarimon in a room, Shikadai holding a gun to Kaminarimon's head, and Inojin holding the door open, looking out for them.

"The fuck? What are they-"

Sarada swiftly made her way over, "They're here for the pieces."

"How do they know what pieces they need?" Sumire asked, looking around.

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