Chapter 23: Home Sweet Home

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      "Alright, L/n-san! You should be good to go! Your brother is waiting for you outside, I hope your recovery goes smoothly." The nurse, who reminded me of the cliche grandma character in every anime, held my hand as she walked me out to the hospital entrance. She was my primary nurse for the 2 weeks I spent at the hospital and was a very sweet lady. Literally a drop of sunshine that blessed the earth. Her cookies were amazing. 

      Other than amazing grandma sent from heaven, recovery was going well. The first few days were the toughest, as I often woke up from nightmares in a cold sweat. Whoever was staying the night with me would have to quickly turn on the lights and try to calm me down. I remember being awfully embarrassed about my friends seeing me like that, but they always assured me they loved me through the pretty and the ugly. They all had their own ways of getting me to calm down.

      Nii-san always came prepared with a "Happiness bag". It had my favorite snacks, books, Aquilops-chan, the whole shebang. We often listened to music and watched Netflix together. Yes, usually Disney. He refused to go to sleep until I was and constantly fussed over my bedding to assure that I was as comfortable as could be. He would tell me how school was going and bragged a bit about his improving volleyball skills. He also tutored me on what I was missing, much to my dismay, but he was an excellent teacher. Nii-san would hold my hand and guide me through breathing exercises whenever I had a nightmare and would play classical piano from his phone to lull me back to sleep. That was Nii-san's way of taking care of me. 

      Yamaguchi was a full-fledged gossip girl. He always came prepared with the hottest "tea" as he called it and would spend hours dragging anyone who was dumb enough to get on his bad side. We usually watched cheesy romance movies together or (when the doctor allowed) would take me out to the little terrarium-like room the hospital had. The room was meant to calm patients who struggled with their anger and it worked. Yamaguchi instantly calmed down when we went. It seemed like it was more for him than for me. If I had a nightmare, Yamaguchi would distract me from the anxiety and panic by reminiscing with me about "ye olden days." AKA, middle school Nii-san. That was Yamaguchi's way of taking care of me. 

      Hitoka was a ball of sunshine. Always bounding in the room when she came to visit me. She was so excited to see me every single time, and I was no different. We had shared hurt about... her... betrayal. Hitoka was also pretty shaken up about the entire ordeal, and more often than not, we would talk about our feelings to each other. Even if I had a therapist and she visited the school counselor, it was different... Comforting, to lean on each other. When we weren't comforting each other, she often brought craft supplies so we could do a craft she saw on Youtube together. It ended in a lot of spilled glitter and laughter. The image of Hitoka with a gemstone stuck to her forehead would never leave my mind. She would run me through breathing exercises and hold both of my hands whenever I had a nightmare, telling me I was okay, and that she was gone. That was Hitoka's way of taking care of me.

They never told me what happened to her, but I had a good idea.

      Tanaka was like the cliche older brother/bad boy who would beat anyone up if they got too close to me. I seriously thought he was feral at times. He was worse than Nii-san when it came to chastising me about my health. "Don't get up I'll get it for you!" "No. Your doctor said healthy foods." "IT'S COLD WHERE'S YOUR SWEATER?!" He was like a helicopter mom. But I loved him (platonically) so it was fine. When he wasn't going full dad-who's-daughter-just-got-a-boyfriend, we played board games. Battleship, Uno, Monopoly (which usually ended in Tanaka going on about how capitalism was the root of all evil) Was he wrong though? My hospital room was always loud whenever Tanaka was over. The man just couldn't celebrate at a reasonable decibel level. "WOOO YEAH UNO MUTHAFU-" Needless to say, grandma nurse didn't particularly like him. He would pet my head and put on funny cat videos to help me calm down from nightmares, always making sure I was watching and not focusing on the panic that arose in me. That was Tanaka's way of taking care of me. 

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