Epilogue: I Love You

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"大好き?" (You love me?)

"うん、" (Yes)

"うそだよ。。。" (You're lying...)

"ううん!うそじゃないよ!" (I'm not!)

"。。。本当?" (Really?)

"うん、本当" (Yes... Really.)

"びっくり。。。" (Woah...)

"それだけか? びっくり?" (That's it? Woah?)

"ううん、あ~ 私はあほだよね。。。" (No... Ah, I'm an idiot aren't I?)

"あなたがあほじゃないよ、のやくん" (You're not an idiot Noya-kun.)


      "Really? Are you sure?" Noya asked, "Because if you're serious then wow, I've been blessed." Noya's eyes were filled with hope but also fear, like I was joking with him. "Yes Noya-kun, I'm serious!" I chuckled, unable to hide my happiness as a blinding smile made its way onto my face. "Yes!" Noya exclaimed, jumping up from the bed to hop around the room. 

      After he calmed down, he ran back over to me, sitting on the bed, taking both of my hands in his. "Even after everything?" He whispered to me. "I should be the one asking you that." I sighed, squeezing his hands. "Nothing was your fault, Y/n-chan. Your strength only makes me love you more." 

"You know what you're getting into if you want to be with me, right?" I asked.

"You mean Tsukishima-kun?"

      "No, well yes him too, but you remember how I was at the hospital... Shoto-Sensei said that the nightmares probably won't go away..." I admitted. "Oh, Y/n-chan..." Noya sighed, looking down at our intertwined hands. "I was with you then, I'm with you now, and I want to be with you through it all." 

"Even if I'm broken?"

"You're not broken. You're like an awesome piece of glass that holds liquid gold." Noya explained with stars in his eyes. 

"I'll take that as a compliment." I chuckled.

"You should cause what I'm imagining is pretty cool." He smirked. 

      "You're a dork." I snorted. Noya shrugged, giving me a softer smile. "I can be your dork." He winked. "If that was your attempt at flirting, stick to compliments." Noya gasped and feigned a hurt expression, "You're mean! Even after all the hugs I gave you!" He flopped on his back, sighing, making the bed ounce a bit. 

"They were more like cuddles." I pointed out.

"Hugs and cuddles are the best medicine!" He argued.

      Noya sat back up, taking my hands back. "I want to be yours in some way though," He admitted, pulling me towards him. "If you'd let me, that is." He smiled. It was like he was out of a romance movie, how everything around him seemed to blur out, leaving nothing in my sight except for him. How the light hit him just right. How his eyes sparkled and glittered with love and admiration. 

I nodded. 

      The feeling is surreal, really. Sure, I understood the words he spoke, I could decipher the syllables and the tone, but it didn't hit me yet. It didn't hit me when he looked me in the eye, or when he leaned forward. It didn't hit me when his hand fell upon my cheek, holding my face to keep me from shying away. It only hit me when his lips did. 

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