~Drinking tea in the back garden~

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The sun arose as I lay in Cissa's lap. I had spent the night at hers and we had stayed up, telling stories and reading. Now that Lucius is out the picture, I have her all to myself. Although, no one knows still because we've decided it's too early to say. I mean, they literally just got divorced last week. Anyway, back to reality. Cissa is stroking my hair lightly, while reading me poems. Merlin, I'd die for her. 

"I'll be the warrior to fight for our love; We'll fly together, fly higher than the dove," Narcissa reads out, as we lay on the overgrown bench that had been sitting there for years. 

The garden is pretty and full of plants and many roses. It is so . . . romantic. This night has been a dream. A fountain lay in the middle, in front of the overgrowing bench. By overgrowing, I mean several blossoming plants and even vines intertwined with the decomposing wood beneath us, slowly growing taller each day and beginning to take the bench over. Many trees grew aside the bench, they had been there for years, too. The grass grew tall, up to our ankles specifically. Narcissa used to tell me stories of how Draco played in the garden. Bushes surround the nature-induced fences and the sun shines warmly on the garden. A slightly old marble statue stands on the fountain and vines twist and curl around it. Barely a cloud floats in the sky, it is a perfect morning.

Narcissa sees my tired eyes begin to shut and closes the book. Smiling kindly, she reheats the tea on the stand with a spell and pours me a cup. 

"Drink, darling, it'll help you sleep," She hands me the warm antique cup and helps me drink. I sit up, sipping the tea, exhausted.  She pours herself a cup of a different tea and sips it, looking deep into my eyes. 

"I'll carry you inside later, dear. I want you to enjoy the moment as you drift to sleep." She continues as I grow more and more tired. As I finish my cup, I lay my head on her lap as she caresses my hair. My eyelids grow heavy as I slowly shut my eyes. She gives me a peck on the lips as I finally fall into a long-awaited sleep. I don't ever want this to end, she is my version of an angel.

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