Drama with Lucius, again.

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The doorbell rings loudly as I lay in bed, half awake. Narcissa being herself, she had already gotten up and sorted the house out a bit. Strangely though, no one went to answer so I began to get up, in order to answer it. 

"Y/n, no. It's Lucius, don't bother answering," Cissa stands at the door in her elegant dress. I nod and get up, giving her a small peck on the cheek. We have a bit of a chat and I go to make some coffee for us. 

"Darling, sugar cubes?" I ask, stirring my coffee. She nods, reading the Daily Prophet. Thankfully, Lucius had stopped ringing the door bell and seems to have left, or so i thought . . . 

I carry the tea cups over to the coffee table and sit on the seat. 

"Narcissa, why don't you ever make the house elves do anything? You always do it yourself instead," I ask, taking a sip of the coffee. She places her coffee on the table and smiles warmly.

"Well that was Lucius' tradition. 'It's the house elves' jobs not yours!'. He always said that, so I do everything now." She tilts her head down slightly. She's so kind . . . I don't deserve her. I think, taking another sip of coffee. 

"Ah, right. So when we're done, do you want to go out to the garden? I fancy doing some gardening," I say, looking up. She nods, smiles and carries on reading.

Around an hour passes and we have cleaned up the dishes and I had gotten dressed. We stroll out to the garden and begin watering the plants. We went round watering Violets, Lilies, roses, dandelions and so many more. The sun is shining onto the manor, making it look a bit less gloomy. Now that Lucius had moved out, we had planted trees, flowers and other plants everywhere, making the manor look magnificent. But, just as we are finishing up, there was a rustling in the bushes. 

"Y/n! Step away," Narcissa says, clutching her wand in her hand. Suddenly someone hesitantly gets up from the bushes. 

"Lucius were you spying on us?!" I scream. Narcissa looks disgusted and he just looks sad that he got caught. 

"Well- I- Uh, I want to speak to Narcissa, not you!" He yelled, walking towards her. 

"Narcissa, why did you leave me? I loved you. Please come back, instead of living some weird gay fantasy!" He pleads, moving closer and closer towards her. Without hesitation, she points  her wand at his throat.

"You ignorant goblin! I loved you until you cheated on me, ignored me because I wanted nothing to do with the death eaters and basically acted as if we weren't married!" Cissa cried. 

"W-well you also cheated, so uh we should forgive each other! Please, I broke up with the other girl! I'd do anything for you, see?" He continues. I had been standing there, frozen in shock. Instead of Cissa replying, she just pushes him out of the gates and flips him off. I am terrified, so she pulls me into a hug and takes me inside, still shaking.

Narcissa Malfoy Imagines/ Cissy ScenariosDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora