**Beam** :)

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Alone in the dark

With a shark that could bite

A heart of stone

That I've come to possess

Broken and shattered because I dared to love

To be accepted and loved.

I've been deprived of happiness

I wallow in sadness

Surrounded by hopelessness

Pitied and scorned.

Maybe I shouldn't have tried to get closer to you.

All I did was try to understand you.

But trust, I only wanted to be accepted.

I've been lonely for long

But that was my folly.

I shouldn't have neared.

I'm lost in my world.

My heart apart in shreds.

I dared to love and I was hurt

The shattered pieces of my heart remain in places I no longer belong.

I've been afraid for long

I've been lonely in life.

But now I'm more afraid of the shark I've become.

I don't know if I can or if I should

But I dare to live again

I've been dead for long

My heart aches to live again

Life is no comfort

And tomorrow I dread most

But I want to live

You don't have to accept me

I don't need the world

All they do is judge me and what I've become
Shooting daggers of glares at my way

I just need me

and the beam I once flushed.

I know I can be happy

And I dare to be.

I'm afraid to be on my own

Alone in the dark

With the shark in me.


This is like my first work here. I want your comments just don't bite too hard.

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