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Last night was different
I didn't have to sleep with a heart so heavy   
And think my fate so unsteady
Because  I could  barely  find a reason
To call this phase, only a bad season

Last night was different
I didn't have to gaze at the sky
Counting thousand stars so high
Wondering when my pain would fade away
Or if there'll  ever be a way
I could have a happy day

Last night was different
I didn't have to toss and turn until all my sides ached
I hadn't read a book so boring it pained Until sleep finally came to me, dragged me to her cave
And made me her slave

Last night was different
I didn't have to shut out the world and her noise
By burying myself deep in my pillows
Dragging over my head all the covers
Until my bed became so bare
I could at it, hardly stare

Last night was different
I hadn't wandered deep into my mind
Until I lost myself in my thoughts
And could find my way no more
Scared greatly by what I saw

Last night was different
I wasn't forced to stare at the television screen
Or inwardly create my own scene
To get away  from all the fake
They made display for fame's sake

Last night was different
I didn't have to pretend I had an interest
In the issues they described brilliant
My understanding of them so distant
I could  swear we were worlds apart

Last night was really different
Wait, I'll  tell you  why
Just promise  you're not a spy
And then you'll  hear it all

How different  you ask?
For once I felt I was okay
And I wasn't  expected to change
And pretend I was a tweedy lady
For once it didn't  have to make sense
And I never felt not so tense

Last night  was  indeed  different
Am I greedy?
I want to feel same tonight

Last night was very different
Because I slept by your side

For you, reader

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