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I've been held captive for long
A day more and I'll be free
I've had to hide myself away
A day more and I'll be seen
I've been told I cannot be heard
A day more and I shall speak

Just a day more and I'll be free

I've seen what I dread most
A lifetime to try to forget
I've been told my scars can't show
As if I can help where I'm hit
I've been told my pains will go
It's been forever, when will that be?

I've been shown the most ghastly scenes;
Oh! How I wish those I could share
They have sworn me to secrecy
And they do little to help me forget
Each passing day I'm reminded and,
Deep down my soul shrivels a little
I close my eyes but I can't close my mind

They have become my abusers
Them that were supposed to protect me
Exposed me to things too great for me
I had to grow a spine and a soul colder than stone
That once I was angelic,
Is no recompense to me now insensate

My eyes close but my mind will not be rested
Deep in sleep or long astir,
My mind incessantly torments me
It's held me captive for long
My abusers raped my mind and,
There isn't a greater harm

Justice stares on unconcernedly
As if it is no longer at post
Them that will defend my cause,
Have been themselves brainwashed
Men of valor and honour
Reduced to slavish flunkies
The cause of justice now abandoned

Oh but one day, I'll be freed!
Whether alive or dead,
One day I shall speak.
By my own mouth or
In the tales of others
My story shall be told
In sympathy or with indifference
One day my cause will be made known
How 'Justice' will awake again!

Ponder how brobdingnagian
Will be the harm then caused
But I will remain rested in my grave
Hoping Justice found its way back home
And I will lie on in rest,
Knowing oneday I'll be a hero.
Just one day and I'll be known

Dedicated to the life of
Kofi Atta Annan and all the valiant men who fought for a better place for us.

Nuerkey Narh

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