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Encircled, yet deserted
The focus of a thousand eyes and still invisible
At the centre of a grouphug yet alone
In a gang, even then, I'm solo
I see the world,
The world doesn't see me.

A million voices surround me
None of them I recognise
One thousand lips are moving
Not one has words for me

I see their smiles
Behind those, pure hate
But what do I care?
They aren't for me anyway
I will disappear today
But, I won't be noticed either way

Popular yet friendless
I know a million people but,
not even one is a friend.
The world sees me
And it couldn't care less

I conceived of magnificence
Yet, I'm confined to normalcy
Desiring the best
And experiencing the inferior
I know what's good,
But I just can't have it.

Labouring for the morrow
With my thoughts,
Living the past
The dreams I have,
Go away with the night

I hold out the light,
Myself, consumed by darkness
I see the future,
The future doesn't want me in it

I'll live today away
For one more day, I'll be solo
It won't get better, I know, not today.
I'll live today anyway
For one more day, I'll be alone again.

I'll live anyway
For one more day I'll be alone again.
For just one day, I'll be alone again.

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