Die Riding!

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We dreamt, of Forever
We spoke only of it
Jumping together out of planes
Heights could not make us refrain
Maybe carrying you at my back
What do they call that? Piggy back?
Walking ourselves arm-in-arm
Through the shadows of the night
Each the other's light
We dreamt of the day after forever
Till then,
And the kisses we'd share in the rain
Walking side-by-side
dressed alike, along the roads
People wondering why we're twinning
Ride or Die we'd scream
Though, Riding, our only dream
Singing aloud the songs we liked
Pointing out what we shared alike
Through the busy chaotic streets
Each the other's peace

Ahead of ourselves we'd gone
Even, imagined ourselves married
You'd wondered which was the most romantic way to propose
Nothing you'd do should I oppose
You were my my own magic
You used to say I was your world
We dreaded a quarrel
and separation seemed worse than wrangle
For such, we failed to prepare
But when time caught up with us
And things got murky
You'd bother no more to check up on me
You wouldn't care what I was up to
I cared even less, I had kissed a third
Getting mad at nothing
Hardly talking about anything
In those uncomfortable moments
When I could no longer keep up with "us"
I made "peace" with myself
I became my other half
You were not as lucky
You needed me, you pled
Such bull , I thought
I could do do it, why not you?
I was my only bother
When the distance became unbearable
When we created our chaos, strangers became our peace
We run away from each other
Till we became strangers to ourselves
I no longer recognized your voice
My smell, you forgot too

Now we're no longer together
Freedom has been a great new lover
Me and my lonely
Do make coupling lovely
Before I get stuck with the new "bae"
Shall I make myself quite gay?
After all
We won't be old for a while


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