Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

All three of our heads instantly swivelled in the direction of the noise. 

    Through the white door, came a tall, lean figure clad in a dark navy hoodie and a pair of black jeans. Closing the door, the figure turned to look at us, his hood pulled over his face. None of his features were very clear from this distance and were shadowed by his hood.

    “Ah Logan,” Rebecca said crossing her arms. “About time you got home.”

    “Sorry mum,” the figure said in a sincere voice.

    “I told you to be here before seven,” she said. He turned his head towards the clock on the wall.

    “I’m not that late,” he said defensively.

    “You’re half an hour late young man,” Rebecca said curtly.

    “Sorry,”he apologized again. “I just lost track of time at Liam’s.”

     “Take your hood off and come here,” Rebecca said. She sounded angry, she looked angry, but it was obvious that she wasn’t actually angry.  “We have guests, if you haven’t noticed.”

    Both my mother and I were watching this exchange in silence. This relationship reminded me of the one I had with my own mother.

    “Yes ma’am,” he said pulling his hood off and running a hand through his hair. His face was now revealed.

    His hair was a nest of messy, jet black hair that flopped over his eyes, which shined even from this distance; they were a deep emerald colour. He had sharp, prominent features and a lip ring on his bottom lip. He had a slight hint of dark bags under his bright eyes.

    He offered us a smile as he walked our way. It made his lip ring even more prominent. I instantly wondered what it would feel like to have one.

    “Hi,” he said casually, “I’m Logan.”

    “Hi,” my mother said returning his smile, “I’m Natalia Joyce, call me Nat. I’ve heard quite some nice stories about you from your mother.” He gave a short laugh.

    “Nice stories? I’m sure,” he shot his mother a doubtful look.

    Then he looked at me inquiringly. I don’t know what made me do it, but I get a bit weird at times… especially when I get comfortable somewhere, like I currently was in the presence of Rebecca.

    “I’m Tay,” I said giving him a wide smile, all shyness thrown out the door. “Cool lip ring. Did it hurt to get it?” All this was said in a rush, in just one breath. He lifted his eyebrows at me.

    “Um… not much,” he said slowly.

    “Looks painful,” I continued. My mouth would not shut up; especially now that he’s looking at me weirdly and Rebecca is looking at me with an amused expression and my mother is face palming... Some would think that the embarrassment should shut me up… But embarrassment usually just makes me talk more.

    “It’s like… a ring going through your lip. How did they put it on? Did they just stick in? Did they numb it?” I rushed on, “I’d be way too terrified to get one. I mean… my ear piercing was painful enough. Do you have any other piercings?” I stared intently at his face, my eyes squinting, searching for more piercings. “I don’t see any. But who knows ri- Ow!” I was stopped mid-sentence by a sharp elbow jab to my ribcage by my mother.

    “Shut up Tay,” she whispered a horrified expression on her face.

    Frozen, I glanced from Rebecca’s thoroughly amused face, to Logan’s odd expression, which seemed to be a mixture of shock and… annoyance.

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