Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

I was sitting in the backseat of Lee’s mum’s SUV beside Sam. It was Sunday evening and we were on our way home.

   “Here we are, girls,” Mrs Chang said as she slowed down and stopped in front of Sam’s house.

    “Thanks loads Mrs Chang,” I said as I picked up my bag.

    “Thank you Mrs Chang,” Sam trilled as she slid open the door.

    “No problem,” she said turning in her seat to smile at us.

    “See you later Lee,” Sam chimed as she hopped out.

    “Bye Lee,” I said as I tugged her flawless hair gently. She reached back to smack me as I jumped out laughing. I slid the door shut and waved as Mrs Chang pulled away, Lee flipped me the bird when her mother turned her attention to the road.

    “Wanna come in?” Sam asked jabbing a finger towards her house.

    “Nah,” I said shaking my head.

     “Aw,” she said pouting slightly. “I was hoping for your company. I have to babysit the short, loud ones.”

    “You’re such an affectionate older sister,” I laughed.

    “I try my best,” she shrugged.

    “I gotta go ask my mum how it went with Kyle,” I said, Sam made a confused face so I continued; “She’s breaking the news to him today… about her pregnancy.”

   “Oh,” Sam said nodding. “Well, come over later then.”

    “Sure,” I said and started walking towards my house as Sam jogged up the pathway to her own house.

   I shoved my keys into the lock and turned it. As I stepped into the house, I was greeted by darkness.

    “Mum?” I called out. As I closed the door behind me, I peered around and noticed that the curtains were all closed.

   “Mum?” I called out again, walking towards the kitchen. No reply. There were dirty dishes on the table.

     I walked towards the living room, the TV was off and the couch was empty.

    “Mum!” I shouted up the stairs, worry trickling into my voice.

    No answer.

    I started climbing the stairs, taking two at a time. My heart started beating faster, adrenaline rushing into my body.

    “Mum?” this time my voice was louder and trembled a bit. I stood on the landing, listening, and that’s when I heard a scrabbling noise.

   I whirled around in that direction to see Toby trotting out of my mum’s room, the door was slightly ajar. 

   He came to a stop at my feet, panting. I bent over and patted his head. That’s when I heard the sob.

    It came from my mother’s room.

    I instantly straightened up and stalked in that direction, Toby trotted along beside me. I pushed open the door to see my mum on the floor.

    She was leaning against her dresser and had makeup running down her face.

    “Mum!” I cried out alarmed. “What’s wrong?” My mind immediately jumped to the fear that something had happened to the baby.

    I squatted down in front of her. I stared at her intently, as I watched her trying to compose herself. I searched around her; there was no trace of blood…

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