Chapter Two

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Author's Note:

Well, I hope you guys like this! I'm not sure if this chapter is perfect, but point out all my flaws if you find them! :D

Enjoy! xx Leave a comment, please? And don't forget to vote if you like it!

Chapter Two

I stuck my hand in the shower the next morning, testing the water. This morning, I woke up to anger at my mother’s irresponsibility.

    Both she and Mr Mathew’s were adults. They should have known better. It surely couldn’t have taken too long to be safe. A few extra seconds? I wasn’t sure exactly how long as I had no experience whatsoever in this area.

     I stepped into the shower and sighed as the warm jets fell on my body.

     My mother should have been more responsible and careful. It was disbelieving that she hadn’t learned from her last time.

    I was the result of an unplanned, teenage pregnancy. My mother was seventeen, and I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that she was my age when she was pregnant with me.

    My mother faced so many difficulties when this happened.

    Her parents, having found out, disowned her and gave her a week to pack her things. I didn’t know much about my grandparents except that they were Sri Lankan and moved to America when my mum was just two.

     This made me partly Sri Lankan too, and I had inherited the very dominant south Asian genes. I had dark brown eyes, black hair and brown skin.

     My mother’s sister, my Aunt Em, took my mum in. At the time, Aunt Em was twenty-six and had already started a job. She was fully capable of helping my mum.

    She then paid for all the medical bills my mum had and paid for my mum to finish her SATs. After I was born my mother took care of me during the day and took night classes while my Aunt Em watched me at night.

    Aunt Em also paid for me to go to preschool while my mum finished her last years of college.

    Aunt Em never married. She had no family of her own and insisted that we were all the family she needed. She was a workaholic.

     I sighed again as I turned off the shower and started shampooing my hair.

     Couldn’t she have learned after everything she went through last time?


Later that morning I sat in the kitchen alone, buttering up a piece of toast. My mother had left for work early as she had a photo-shoot to prepare for.

     As I took a bite of the buttery toast, I heard the front door open and shut and footsteps. I didn’t even bother checking who it was, only one person would come over unannounced this early.

    “Hey Tay,” my best friend said as she entered the kitchen.

    “Morning Sam,” I greeted her through a mouthful of bread.

     Sam and I met when my mum and I moved into this house when I was six, after my mum decided it was time to finally move out of the shelter of Aunt Em’s kindness and stand on her own two feet. She had just finished her degree in photography and fashion.

    To this day, Mrs Watson’s chocolate chip cookies reminded me of that day eleven years ago when Sam, her mother and her two older brothers, Owen and Josh came over with a plate of those scrumptious cookies to welcome us to the neighbourhood.

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