Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

It was later that week and I was once again driving back home with Sam in the passenger side. We were both complaining about an incredibly hard maths test we had last period.

    “I didn’t understand anything on that paper,” Sam concluded and I nodded.

    “Total crap paper.”

    We were quiet for a while as a new song started playing on the radio.

    “Mayday Parade, Jamie All Over!” I exclaimed and Sam groaned. This was a game that we’ve been playing for a long time now; whenever a song started up, we’d try and be the first one to guess its name and artist correctly.

    “Dammit, I was just about to say it,” Sam cursed. There was a moment of silence as we just listened to the song, appreciating its beauty. “Anyways, psychology project due this Friday, come over and we’ll work on it?”

    “Damn,” I complained as I turned into our street. “I totally forgot about that.”

    “Come over and we can finish it real quick; we just have to put together a slideshow, easy enough.”

    “Yeah, yeah, I was planning on stalking my husbands… but fine.”

    “Hey, hey,” Sam said, “they’re not just your husbands. They’re mine too.” I laughed at her and how ridiculous we sounded.

    We reached our houses to see a strange white car parked in front of my house.

    “Whose is that?” Sam asked.

    “I have no idea,” I said turning into my driveway. “I didn’t even know my mum would be home today.” I pulled into the open garage beside my mother’s car and killed the engine. We sat staring at the car for a while.

    “Want me to come in with you to make sure it isn’t some weird killer?” Sam asked as she turned around to look at me. I laughed.

   “I’m sure it’s just a friend of my mum’s or something. Her car’s here anyways,” I gestured towards the car beside mine in the garage.

    “Alright then,” Sam said getting out of the car. “Scream for me if someone’s going to kill you.”

    “Sure,” I said as I clicked on a button to shut the garage gate after Sam.

    Swinging my bag onto my shoulder, I walked towards the door from the garage to the kitchen and pushed it open.

    “Hey mum,” I called as I entered. I did not get a response, but I heard the television on, so I headed in the direction of the living room. I hesitated before entering, anticipating who the guest might be.

     I hoped it wasn’t my mother’s annoying friend Gloria who had come over. Gloria had a tendency to continuously comment about the fact that I didn’t have much going on in the chest region. She should understand that not everyone is a D cup.

    Shaking my head to clear the thoughts of Gloria from my mind, I poked my head into the living room to see a set of broad shoulders and a head of messy black hair sticking out the back of the couch.

    My heart skipped a beat, who the hell is this?

    Then, I did the only sensible thing to do in this situation.

    I screamed.

    I screamed a loud, ear piercing, shrill, girly scream, which wasn’t usually my thing, but it was what this situation called for.

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