Part 3

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Stephen paced his bedroom in the Sanctum, furious with himself for arguing with Tony, livid at the man for being so dense. Why did he feel the need to stick up for Loki? Why did he still have the damn martyr complex even after sacrificing himself?

He sat on the edge of his bed, flopping backwards, arm over his eyes as he thought.

He hadn't considered this, hadn't seen this being a possibility. He had hoped to win Tony's affections slowly, and now he was in New Asgard with a creature who was literally nicknamed silver tongue.

Granted it had to do with his verbal skills, but Stephen had heard other rumours.

He needed to sort this out. Reaching into his pocket, he concentrated on the thread that tied him to Tony, putting the sling ring on and opening a small portal first, to check the man wasn't sleeping.

Tony was sat in the room he'd been given as his bedroom, shivering in an oversized jumper, glaring at the coffee machine he'd insisted he bring with him.

Stephen watched for a few moments, impossible fondness eroding his annoyance. He wasn't sure why he was hesitating. Tony had all but let slip a few days ago he wanted to go out on a date. That had to indicate an interest?

He needed to tell him, needed the secret between them gone so he could move forward with a clear conscience.

'Coffee? This late at night?'

'I can't help it, I hate the cold. What are you doing here?' Tony didn't react to his voice, making him wonder how long the man had been aware of his presence. The Cloak whizzed past Stephen from the bed to fly through the portal and rest on Tony's shoulders.

Stephen's breath caught as Tony reached behind to pat the Cloak. The moment perfectly summarised who he was as a person. It was the same consideration he gave to his bots, to FRIDAY.

'Checking up on you. Want to come back to New York? It's warmer here.'

He could see Tony wavering, wanting to go back home but still stubbornly angry. Stepping through the portal, his hands rested on Tony's shoulders, wishing they wouldn't tremble as much as they were.

'Come on,' Stephen enticed, 'I'll make you some cocoa.'

'With marshmallows?'

'Mm hmm, and real rich chocolate, not the powdered crap. C'mon, it's better than freezing to death here.'

'I need to be back first thing in the morning, can't stay too late, Doc.'

'I'll portal you back into bed myself if I have to, douchebag.' Stephen bowed low, gesturing to the portal with a mocking outstretched arm.

'Irritating wizards and their seductive chocolate,' Tony mumbled as he brushed past.

They sat in the library, Tony sitting with his legs tucked up in an oversized armchair, hands wrapped around his drink, allowing the heat to seep through his skin. Stephen watched Tony over the rim of his tea, concerned that the man looked pale, tired.

'Not feeling well?' he asked.

'Just not sleeping much,' Tony yawned, laughing.


Tony hesitated.

'No, none of that.'

Liar, Stephen thought, drinking his tea. He needed to find a way to help, it was starting to affect Tony if he was looking this tired.

'Just a bout of insomnia, it comes and goes, don't worry about it. Why'd you call me here?'

'I wanted to say sorry for arguing with you. Can I explain my position though?'

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