Part 10

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Thursday, eight pm, be ready. Dress for a date.

Tony looked down at the message for the hundredth time, turning his phone over and over in his hands as he waited. It was ten to eight and he was sitting in his lab, dressed in slate grey slacks (Pepper said they made his ass look great) a crisp white shirt rolled up to the elbows, and a blood-red tie, the first few buttons of his shirt undone.

He looked great, sexy but still approachable.

His knee started bouncing as he waited, not entirely sure what he was going to say to Stephen, but knowing he needed to talk to the man about Loki. About what happened.

And most importantly why they had both been half-naked in the bed with him.

He didn't react when the portal opened in his lab, and that disturbed him on multiple levels. Since when had magic use around him been considered normal? When did he stop being surprised at Stephen's portals or Loki teleporting?

'This dressed up enough?' Tony asked, not even looking up at Stephen.

'You look stunning,' Stephen answered with a low chuckle.

Smirking, Tony looked up, gaze giving the sorcerer a quick once over and giving a low whistle. 'I must say, asshole, those wizard robes of yours don't do you any favours. They hide all of this,' Tony gestured with his hand at the "this".

He'd seen Stephen dressed up for the event they held at New Asgard, the fitted tuxedo a fantastic look on the man. This, Tony liked more. He was wearing well fitted dark jeans, a sky-blue shirt, and indigo sports jacket.

The man looked edible.

'Ready, douchebag?' Stephen smirked straight back, bending a little at the waist and offering his arm.

'I think I preferred it when you called me sweetheart,' Tony grumbled, taking the offered arm and stepping through the portal.

'Be a good boy, and we'll see,' Stephen whispered into his ear, stepping back and allowing Tony to see where they were.

Oh, Tony liked indeed. He couldn't remember the last time he'd done something fun. The last few weeks he'd been stressed with work, stressed about the arc reactor in New Asgard, and stressed about his near drowning.

Not that he was blaming Loki, but still, he'd been confined to his bed under Doctor Strange's orders, who'd somehow managed to rope FRIDAY onto his side.


It was a rooftop bar, one of his favourites in New York. It wasn't a stuffy, formal one like the ones he had to go to when he met business contacts, nor was it one of the local ones that Steve had sometimes dragged him to when he wanted to grab a beer.

The floors were a gleaming wood, foliage of trees and bushes dotted about, the green a gorgeous contrast to the teak of the floor and furniture. The bar had a mismatch of stools, creating a chic boho look that Tony was down with. The view was what caught his attention, the city skyscrapers, gleaming against the periwinkle blue of the summer sky.

'Like it?' Stephen asked.

'It's like you knew what I needed.' Tony groaned, closing his eyes as the balmy warm air ruffled his hair.

'We thought that it'd been too long since you'd had any sort of fun,' Stephen told him, leading him towards the back of the bar, stopping as people came to talk to Tony, the sorcerer not seeming to mind in the least.



While signing autographs and posing for photos, Tony tried to peer around his fans, mouth drying as he saw who else was waiting for him.

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