Part 15

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Sitting on the floor, Tony leant back further into Stephen's leg, focusing on the hand stroking through his hair as the sorcerer read.

'When did Loki say he was going to come back?' he asked, groaning low in his throat as Stephen's fingers began to massage his scalp.

'Why? Bored of me already?' Stephen breathed in his ear, tongue tracing the shell.

'No, just miss him.'

'I know, sweetheart, me too. Want me to ask him?'


Tony waited as he went quiet. Loki was on a diplomatic mission in another realm on Thor's behalf and he couldn't shake the feeling Loki was avoiding them. He'd been attentive while Tony was healing, keeping an eye on them both, but as soon as it was obvious Stephen was alright, Loki had left Tony in his care and gone off world.

That had been a fortnight ago.

It was as though Tony had been reborn in those weeks. His nightmares had stopped, leaving to full restful nights he hadn't experienced in years. It was astounding how clear-headed he felt once his body had enough rest.

Seems like all the times Steve had bugged him to get a full night's sleep had merit after all.

Everything that had been strenuous in his relationship with Stephen and Loki had vanished, trust, love returning in droves.

In short, Tony felt like Tony again.

Stephen had doted on him in the days Loki had been gone, rubbing whatever alien salve Loki had left on the welts on his body, following every application with tender kisses. It had been good, great even, but Tony couldn't help the ache of Loki being gone, both literally and with the distance he was putting between them.

Nightmare had gone, but his effects were still lingering.

'He said not for a few more days,' Stephen answered.

They needed to sort this out.

'Can you ask him to come back tomorrow?' Tony leant back, looking into Stephen's blue eyes, injecting enough of a pleading whine into his voice that it made Stephen press his leg closer, concern clouding his eyes.

'He's asking why. I'll admit, I'm curious too.'

'I'm scared he isn't going to come home,' Tony answered honestly.

'You've felt him pulling away too, then?' Stephen asked, trailing fingers down Tony's face.

Tony nodded.

Stephen huffed a laugh and shook his head.


'He's trying to come home now, but he's in the middle of a meeting. I told him to finish his business first.'

Tony didn't say anything, turning his attention back to his tablet, trying to concentrate.

'What's wrong?' Stephen shut his book, sitting beside Tony on the floor, leaning his weight into him.

'I know it wasn't me, that Nightmare was heightening all my fears...' Tony stopped, looking up at Stephen. 'I feel that this is on me, that I put too much stress on the beginnings of the relationship, that I neglected the pair of you.'

'It was difficult to watch. Not you, you weren't difficult, but it was distressing to watch, to be powerless. I think that's why Loki has pulled away.' Stephen sighed, reaching out and holding Tony's hand. 'I charged in without thinking to save you, I...we didn't know if it would work. From Loki's perspective, for a few seconds... he lost us both.'

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