Part 11

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Despite the Earth-shattering revelation Tony had experienced, the feeling of getting everything he wanted, two gorgeous...lovers? Boyfriends? Life still went on, for all of them. Stephen still had students to teach, Loki had to help his brother with New Asgard and promoting his new reformed self, and Tony still had meetings, both with his company and SHIELD.

They were all busy, had important focuses in their lives, but Tony couldn't help but feel a little...


There was an inkling of feeling left out. Loki and Stephen could portal or teleport to see each other, could communicate with each other telepathically. Tony couldn't help but feel like he was the weakest link in this relationship. Behind the times. With only FRIDAY to communicate with them and his jet if he wanted to go see Loki, a car ride if he wanted to see Stephen.

Yeah, he was being pathetic.

He was sucking on the end of his pen as he looked over Pepper's paperwork for him. Grimacing, he threw his pen down, turning in his chair to look through his office window.

Concern was gnawing away at him. He needed to resolve it before he could move any further.

'FRIDAY, call Stephen for me.'

Tapping the pen on the table he waited, waiting for Stephen's voicemail, composing the message in his head even as he carried on reading through the documents.

'Tony? Everything alright?'

'Hey, asshole, wasn't expecting you to pick up.'

'I'm full of surprises.'

'Have you got a few spare minutes sometime soon? Nothing important, I just wanted to talk to you, and it'll be better face to face...'

He rolled his eyes at the portal opening into his office.

'Did you want to talk to Loki too?' Stephen asked as he stepped through.

'Actually, this one is just for you. Is that alright?' He didn't want to go behind Loki's back, to betray any trust shared by the three of them, but this was important.

Stephen nodded, bending his head and giving Tony a chaste kiss.

'Hey,' he smiled.

'Hey, yourself,' Tony smiled straight back.

'Sorry I've been quiet, had some things to take care of. Can you talk now, or are you busy?' Stephen looked over Tony's desk.

'No, I can make time for you, Doc.'

Pepper was going to have his head.

'When did you last go to your cabin?' Stephen asked, leaving Tony reeling a little at the sudden change of direction.

'I don't... it's been a long time...' Tony couldn't remember. That had been his sanctuary once, in the five years he'd been alone. It had brought him peace, stability. Why hadn't he gone back there? He spared a thought for it now, the rich smell of wood, pine that would float in through the open windows, rain lashing at the walls, pattering across the lake as he worked.

Thinking of the lake sent a spike of pain piercing through his sternum.

Loki's little prank had set him back more than he realised. He hadn't had that reaction before.

'Come on,' Stephen opened a portal, holding out his hand for Tony to take.

He couldn't do it.

You want to go back to the place where you spent so much time alone? What if he leaves you there?'

Ternion (FrostIronStrange)Where stories live. Discover now