Part 6

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'Peter?' Tony called, voice frantic.

Loki scanned the debris, fervent in his prayers that Peter had stayed safe. He exhaled heavily when Peter swung in, perching on the edge of a roof nearby.

Iron Man touched down to meet him, armour receding as Tony swept Peter up into a hug.

Loki allowed himself a moment to watch. Fighting alongside Iron Man instead of facing him had given Loki the chance to see how impressive the mortal's ingenuity was, how magnificent he was. He was also reckless, impulsive.

Loki wanted him.

'It's the first fight since Thanos,' Stephen told him, Cloak flapping as he came to stand beside Loki. 'Tony watched Peter disintegrate in front of him. Peter watched Tony die. They both lost each other once.'

Tony had...died? Loki watched as Tony whispered to Peter, his relief evident. How was it that he was standing before him? What had Strange done to heal him?

'Are you injured?' Loki asked, giving the charlatan a cursory once over, almost disappointed he hadn't drowned.

'No,' Strange's voice was curt, clipped. They gave Tony and Peter their space, only approaching when Tony gestured them over.

'Peter says there's someone we should meet. Someone who claims to be from a different universe.'

Said someone landed on the roof beside them. Loki eyed him, feeling his disdain rolling off him, Strange's condescension easy to see this close.

What was the being wearing on its head?

'This is Mysterio, he says he's from a different Earth from us, that these elemental things destroyed his world. Fury's been helping him.'

Loki looked towards Strange, watching as Tony did the same, feeling his anger rise when Strange shook his head.

'Step away from him, Underoos,' Tony demanded, armour reforming over his chest.

'It's all true, Peter, I'm from Earth eight three three, I'm trying to help you all.'

'Really, mortal? Spinning tales of deceit in front of the God of Lies and Mischief.' Loki stalked forward, dagger in hand. 'Let us cut out your tongue and see how well you lie then,' Loki hissed, reappearing in an instant before the human, holding the knife up to his throat, watching the blood well beneath it.


'Alright Magic Eight Ball, tell us who you are before I let Loki do as he wants.'

Loki pressed his dagger a little harder, before flipping it in his hand, using the hilt to smash the protective case covering his face.

'Beck? Quentin Beck?' Tony's disbelief rung loud in the silence. 'You're behind that... water thing up there! Was this your plan all along, Beck? Get close to the kid in order to get close to me?' Tony stomped forward, trying to shove aside Strange who clamped a hand over Tony's elbow.

'You renamed my life's work B.A.R.F, discredited me. It would have changed the world!'

'You're a certified lunatic!' Tony shouted. 'You wanted to change the world for your own selfish needs! Your own narcissistic tendencies!'

' lied to me? Why'd you lie to me?' Peter asked, his voice small.

'You were so gullible. I mean, you're smart as a whip, just a...sucker.'

Loki dug the dagger in again. He would make the mortal suffer for even daring to think he could manipulate Peter in such a way.

'Loki.' Strange's voice was without heat, but it was a warning, nonetheless.

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