Part 13

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Loki could feel the tingle of his arm growing numb after laying in one position for so long. Tony's head was cushioned on his shoulder, curled as close as he could to Loki's warmth. Stephen's chest was on his forearm, the reason his muscles were starting to protest.

He didn't move, gaze on them both, tracing their facial features, tracking their breathing patterns. It was a perfect moment. A time of contentment. Peace.

Loki couldn't settle, the very idea that Nightmare had attached himself to Tony, the pain it had caused him by the mere mention of Loki's magic.

It felt as though a shadow was hovering over their courtship, infecting what should have been a joyous time with his filth. As Loki had told Stephen, the mere thought of Nightmare repulsed him.

Tony mumbled in his sleep and Loki's attention instantly shifted to him, words of comfort coming without thought, lips brushing his brow. This was all Loki had wanted, all that he had ever wanted, a being to cherish, who saw Loki for who he was rather than the masks he'd worn.

He smiled against Tony's skin as he felt Stephen shift, his foot rubbing Loki's calf.

Loki wouldn't have been able to do this without Stephen. He was the cornerstone of this relationship, the one who was keeping Loki grounded and settled when all he wanted to do was rip Nightmare from Tony's mind. He had weathered Loki's rages, helped guide him through meditation to focus his mind.

He was the stable force he and Tony needed.

'I can hear you thinking all the way from over here,' Stephen's voice grumbled, thick with sleep.

'You should try it sometime,' Loki shot back, flexing his hand so he could caress Stephen's skin, ignoring the shooting pains it sent down his arm.

I've got an idea regarding Tony's immersion therapy.

Enlighten me, Loki requested, hand still stroking.

Play along.

'We better wake him up, how long have we been asleep? FRIDAY?'

'Approximately four hours, Doctor Strange.'

'I feel like a student again, snatching naps wherever I can. Tony? Sweetheart? Time to wake up.'

A distressed whine came from Tony and Loki bit his lip to keep from laughing in delight at the sleep rumpled Tony, the way he sought out Loki, head burrowing into his chest.

', make him go away,' his voice was muzzy, and Loki couldn't help but bring him closer, wishing he could wake to this sight every morning.

He would make it so once Nightmare had been removed.

'Tony, you smell. Come have a shower with me and Loki.'

Loki felt Tony grow rigid in his hold, could taste his dread rolling from him in waves. Looking over Tony's head he glared at Stephen.

What are you doing!

Trust me.

'You don't have to if you don't want,' Stephen lay along the length of Tony's back, running his lips along the back of Tony's throat, goosebumps following. 'You can stay here in bed, while I fuck Loki in the shower.'

Loki's eyes snapped up at that, straight at Stephen's lewd grin, swallowing thickly as he winked once, and then indicated the bathroom with a toss of his head.

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